What do you really want from Wealthy Affiliate in 2018? Take the Challenge!


Hello Amazing Community,

It's that time again when we start thinking of the New Year and resolutions. This year I don't want the same tired resolutions. I want vibrancy and thriving. So I am asking everyone, myself included, can you meet my challenge?

What are you willing to give as a gift to yourself to be successful?

As a newbie business person, that gives me great pause.

Are we going to really go down the pike of writing New Year's Resolution and have that oh so fabulous sense of yup, that sounds good..or I am really going to do it this time?

So I thought, let's take a trip down yesterday lane.

LAST YEAR 2017 Resolutions

These were my resolutions:

1. Learn to walk again

2. Lose that unwanted 15 pounds

3. Drive again

4. Start my own Online Business

For the first time in recent history, I did it! I met all my resolutions. WHOA!

It just dawned on me. I actually become the person that did not let resolutions end up in the circular file. Oh, do send the champagne now please! And a ticker tape parade will not be too over the top. grin.

But seriously, look at this list. It is pretty amazing. How often do we turn to our self and say hey you, YOU CAN DO IT AND THEN, take a bow please, YOU DID IT. YOU ROCK!

I know I was not always that person.

But Wealthy Affiliate changed all that for me. Because of WA, I know more clearly what it takes to believe in myself. To take the time to learn, to always be going forward. To be ready to change whenever it warrants itself. And to know that asking for direction and help is a gift, not a lessening of independence.

And what happened to us yesterday is just a story, it is in this moment that we create our own legend.

What do you want your legend to be?

What are we willing to do to create this?

Are we willing to give ourselves the kudos that lead to more success?

Okay, I am taking the leap here. I am publicly announcing my resolutions for the upcoming fantastic, barrier breaking possibility, of this next new journey.

Join me, (don't you leave me hanging out here alone,) I want to hear about yours also.


1. Generate monthly income starting at least $500-$1000 (or the sky is the limit)

2. Learn all I can about E books

3. Create a growing Social Media following

4. Learn learn learn learn learn , oh and then learn some more

5. Create and forge lasting community friendships in WA to support and grow our capabilities,hearts, and endless possibility.

6. Find ways each day to give back, in more service, and more love.

So there, we can keep it simple. To the point and believably do-able.

What are we each willing to give and do for our own success? For me, the time of words are gone. It is my stepping into this moment of knowing, YES I CAN. and YES I WILL.

So to the most amazing community ever, may you know that you took this person and helped raise her into a business person that will thrive in her own vibrancy. There are no words that can fill the overflowing basket of grateful love and thank you. I hope you can feel it and hear it!

Now on to that challenge!

So this is my challenge to you, ready?

1. What are you willing to change to make a change in your life?

2. What are you willing to let go of that is not working in your life?

3. How much time are you willing to invest to make WA your living income?

4. What are you willing to learn?

5. What is your driving force to success?

6. Would you be willing to sit down and create a road map that you follow each day?

7. What would it take to show you that each step builds success?

8. What do you need to know you are worthy?

9. Can you commit to 2-3 people in WA that can be" your people" for support and YES WE CAN follow up?

10. Most importantly, are you willing to commit to YOU? and if so what does that look like. WRITE IT DOWN!

Are you ready to jump in? Tell me please, what are your resolutions. And do you care enough about the amazing heart of you to just do it?

I did it. That is how I am walking now. It is that easy. If I can do it, I know you will just rock this. So here we go .


2018, the year that broke all records. The year that Wealthy Affiliate Community gave us a hand for options, created abundance and success for all. One step at a time. One heart at a time.

Wishing you love, peace, ease, comfort and incredible personal success. May this New Year bring you to a place that not only does your heart glow, you will stand firmly in your own success.

Be the change YOU KNOW you can be.

in peace and gratitude,

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Wow Ariel! This is great. Congratulations for meeting all your resolutions last year! That is simply amazing that you learned to walk again.

I will have to think about the answers to your questions!

I know I want to make my new site successful while still growing my existing site. I was very proud of myself that I took the hints from the universe (having multiple people per day asking for help with nutritional issues) to go ahead and take the plunge and start my new website. I bought the domain nutrientcures and got it set up with the basics. I have not done anything on either of my sites in the last week though.

I guess that is OK considering it was Christmas and we hosted for a nice dinner though! I am also swamped at work for another few weeks so I won't beat myself up over my lack of progress on websites this week!

I am excited to see where this new website takes me however and in the course of helping others and doing research I am learning even more to help heal myself!!

Thanks for sharing your resolutions and asking for ours! And thank you for your encouragement when I was just starting my new site!

You are such a sweet and wonderful person and I am glad to meet you here.


Hello Jessica, you are so kind and encouraging. It truly means so much to me. Thank you. You are amazing working and getting new sites up and running.

I so look forward to hearing more about your successes. Including healing yourself. As one who has been there, I know what that path looks like. It takes courage, determination and deeply listening to your inner truth. I know you have this.

And again, I am so blessed we get to share this amazing journey of WA. Looking forward to chatting again soon. In peace and gratitude, ariel

Thanks again Ariel. I have been through so much but I didn't have to learn to walk again. I felt like I might not be able to walk though and it was getting harder and harder and I could not walk or stand for very long or carry anything, climb up stairs etc. etc. etc. So I understand a little perhaps.

I am glad I was able to keep my job, and now be able to do most normal things as long as I go slow and be careful not to overdue it. I have learned SO much though and now see how all of my conditions are interconnected. I am excited to have a place to write some of it down on my new website.

As an aside, my husband and Mom got me the 23 and Me test kit for Christmas which I asked for. I am anxious to see what the genetic testing reveals! It would be so interesting if I had a genetic mutation that causes nutrient malabsorbsion. There are many, many other causes for this, so that isn't necessarily a factor for me but I am seeing a pattern with conditions my Dad and Grandma had as well.


Great post. I guess it is that time of year again. I just started my websites last month and I've had my ups and downs. I'm looking forward to a prosperous 2018 and to learn all I can from the great training.

I am also looking for my first sale. Hopefully that will come in time.

Best of luck to you in 2018. I know you'll reach your goals!


Hello Lisa, just step by step to success. No rush, no hurry. Build your foundation. The formula is here for success, We just have to follow it with patience and perseverance. I know you will do great. And we are all here to support each other. if you ever need anything do not hesitate to ask.Wishing you abundance and joy.

Ariel, I went through all of your questions and pretty much wrote a book explaining them, okay maybe not a book, but close! I'm a lot more in tune with what I need to do to get this thing up and soaring! PLUS I have 5 months of learning this business behind me, so I'm ready for 2018 with that much more knowledge than I started out with! First Resolution, Get affiliate marketing off to a great start for the NEW YEAR! Thanks for the post!


Steve you are impressive! I so hope you will share your progress with us! I wish you flowing joyful inner success!Thanks for being here.keep me in the loop please.Yay you!

Thanks very much for this Ariel but I do no do resolutions and I am not making any wishes for anything.

I will just live each day as it comes and carry on carrying on as I did this year. I don't like to be presumptious then I cannot be disappointed when the resolutions I make are broken and the things I wish for don't happen.

I will just be happy and thankful for the good things as, when and if they happen.

Sorry to sound like a bore but I had a rotten year and do not want a repeat next year. xxx

I am so sorry it has been such a tough time. But I am guessing that you have already put into motion change and joy. I wish that for you. I think being in the moment and celebrating what we do have is perfect.

Awesome post, Ariel! Not only is it inspirational but it gives a guide to follow for planning goals.

Working on my SMART goals now!
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Relevant
T - Time-Bound

Congrats on learning to walk again! I'm looking forward to following your successes here in the WA community and with your online endeavors. You are going to rock it!

Hello Suza, thank you for much for your encouraging words! I like your SMART goals. And I know you will always reach them. I look forward to hearing how it goes for you. So happy we get to share this amazing journey of WA . Enjoy!

This is an amazing and inspirational post, Ariel. I don't normally do resolutions but I do like to set goals for myself. One of the best things I did for myself was last month and that was going yearly premium. That actually was the beginning of what I will accomplish in 2018.

I wish you all the best,

Hello Sue! Congrats on going premium. I know you will make it work for you in amazing ways! I wish you great joy! Thanks for being here and so encouraging! It means a lot!

Okay, I said I wasn't going to make resolutions because I already have goals set. but here goes!

1. I am going to learn at least 2 new things per day.
2. I am going to be making at least $750/mo by the end of the year.
3. I am going to take back the cooking from my husband.
4. I am finally going to give up the nicotine lozenges I took up when I quit smoking.
5. I will cut the number of medications I take by half.



You are so impressive! I know you will do it! I have your back! YES WE CAN! you rock!

So do you, Ariel! So do you!

Great post Ariel! I am not usually one to make New Year's Resolutions, but this year is a whole new year for me. I have so much I want to do and now think I can with having found my place here at WA! I have a passion of cross stitching that has built me quite a social following on facebook and I have helped MANY people in many different ways with my caring and love for people. I have helped forge many friendships. I never imagined that it could turn into something more for me and help me earn extra income as I never started it out be that, but now the idea is planted, the site is started and almost ready for officially launching to my cross stitch community I have built and I am ready to rock 2018! Over the next few days, I am going to work on writing down all that I want to accomplish in the coming year and add it to my profile.

Here is to all our successes for 2018! Thank you WA for being such a great community of hope and support!


I wish you great changes and joy this New Year of change. How amazing is it that you were able to do all of this.? Yay you! Keep it going. So glad we get to witness this amazing journey we are all on. Yes to success to all.

OMGosh! If there are anybody to talk about this topic
you are my favorite.

Nobody but nobody can do it better than you Ariel and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

Simply amazing. I like the graphics, too! You say you're an Artist may I see some of your stuff?

Anyways you should write a book and make the title,

"Words of Wisdom by Ariel Harris."

Whadaah you think?

Thank you Merry Christmas and HAVE AN AWESOME 2018 ARIEL! I mean it!

Man, Ariel y'know yes I put my new year resolution in my own circular box and well, somethings were successful and most not.

I know to be it is up to me. That inner drive says never give up.
To do better, results will come. Ariel I personally know that.

If I may Ariel have a small story to share with you.

When my daughter was young we asked her what she wanted to do with her spare time. Y'know if she wanted to take up hula dance lessons, play sports, etc. She chose to learn how to play piano. So we took her to a tudor and she learned how to play piano. At the age of 5 I called a high school friend of mine and asked him if my daughter can enroll in his Aikido Class. (self defense discipline) At the age of 7 she got in.

Ariel I'm telling you a story of my advice with my daughter that today has paid dividends to me as a parent.

Not even sure when I said this to her but I can almost see it in my mind's eyes that I said this to her.



One condition Lyn,


Not sure exactly that what was said but Ariel I gottaah believe it was somehow instilled in her to this day. I see results.

She has a master's degree in English from Boise State Univ. and is now working a full time job and going for her PhD.

She knows how to play piano, She went up to brown belt in Aikido just one belt short of black belt.

She joined the Civil Air Patrol. A R.O.T.C. program for young high schoolers a program supported by the U.S. Air Force Base here on the island. She was involved for 4 years and ended up the highest ranked female in that program till today.

Why am I saying this Ariel. I personally believe in "inner strength"
feed and support the child with positive reinforcement and look out world this young lady is somebody to be reckon with.

Talk is cheap Ariel and heck I don't think I put pressure on her to strive for the best. I feel we gave her confidence and I see this in her Ariel, more powerful than a powerful tsunami wave.

Thank you for allowing me to share this with you!

Ohhh Merry Christmas Ariel!

Your loyal student!

Hello Dear Frank,
Can you hear me shining my gratitude and love to you?
You are so amazing. I see your light . It is quite beautiful. hugs to you.

Wow! That is the perfect model for how to raise a child and ourselves. There is nothing worse than when we do not listen to our inside voice and end up betraying ourselves. So you gave your daughter the most priceless gift ever. The gift of inner truth and courage. Amazing. You and your wife rock!
Congrats on an amazing woman you raised. May you always be blessed with her light.
And may you always know the brightness of your light. Hugs and love.

Wowzah, coming from you Ariel is an honor beyond words.

Mahalo Ariel I appreciate it!

Now if I can get my first website live and running! =)

I am confident it will happen. I can see it in my mind's eye.
Only time and space is left Ariel it will be completed!

Thank you Ariel! You are my mentor!

Frank =)

You have achieved so much in 2017 and you are obviously on the path to achieve even more in 2018.

I will be following your points above because it means a lot to do well in the coming year for me.

I make notes often and today I wrote the word Belief and above you noted what it takes to believe in yourself. The important point is that these are our own business’s and believing in yourself and being in tune with what you are doing is likely to lead to your passion coming alive and benefiting others.

It’s not like we are going to work for someone else. I would like to think someone, as well as myself benefits from what I do here next year.

Sent from iPhone, I hope it reaches you! Best wishes Ariel and thanks for another useful and inspirational post!


Hello Wayne, Thank you for your support and encouragement.
I know you will not let yourself down, but rather find that spark and let it blaze!
I wish you joy, health and simple awareness of all that is sweet.
Thank you for being here.

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