YouTube Shorts Update

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On a day of doom and gloom for some (Google VS AI) I just wanted to update you all on my YouTube journey so far.

I have now had this channel for exactly 13 days, and again I really want to say this is definitely not a bragging series of posts it's more a motivation for anyone here who is still sitting on the fence regarding starting a YouTube channel (Faceless or With Your Face)

After 13 days the Channel has had over 15,000 views and I have managed to gain a WHOPPING 46 subscribers LOL!!

If you want to check my journey from the beginning to help you get off the fence, you can check them out below.

What I am hoping to do, is continuing to update members here on my journey with both the good and the bad experiences (Hopefully more better than good)

Hope you are all having a great productive weekend (Saturday here in Western Australia), and as Kyle and Google have said KEEP IT REAL PEOPLE!


Mark AKA Apples :)

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Recent Comments


This is awesome Mark! Thank you so much for sharing. I NEED to check out your other articles and share your journey, as I'm one who has kind of been "on the fence" about getting started producing and posting videos on YouTube. So, I will definitely be checking out those other posts, thanks for linking them and letting us know about your progress.

Part of my problems getting started have been problems with my primary computer, which has recently been upgraded to meet the demands of video creation and editing.

Also, the learning curve involved when I'm already taking in so much new information and skills acquisition on WA that to do more has not been an option, especially when factoring in time restraints due to working a full-time job and running a operational business from home.

Throw in a wife with major health issues and quite honestly what I HAVE been able to accomplish - taking little bite-sized chunks of everything I'm working on - has been quite amazing, in the big scheme of things as they currently are in my situation.

Anyway, don't want to get off on my own tangent here.

Bottom line is I very much appreciate this, (and your other related posts) in connection with my own current goals and what I'm wanting to achieve. 😊


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment Kevin, it really is greatly appreciated.

I totally understand about the learning curve, and time restraints, which funnily enough I mention about in my 1st blog for this YouTube journey.

It was about 2 1/2 years ago when I launched my 1st YouTube channel and how I did it at the same time another member here did.

Her channel now has over 1000 subscribers and that channel I initially launched at the same time has 24.... Why? Because at the time I was also taking in all the awesome training here and couldn't give it 100%.

Here to help anytime Kevin.

All the best,


Thanks again!

Hello Mark,

That's great news, I'm really pleased for you!

I know exactly where you're coming from, Mark, you are not bragging at all, you're just trying to encourage other members, which is fantastic! I think it's great we can document our journey and help others at the same time.

All the best.


Cheers Roy, that is exactly what I am trying to do... It's definitely not bragging stats when you look at guys like Roope and Eric LOL!!

It's a pleasure, Mark! When I read other member's posts like Roope and Eric etc, I find it really inspiring, as I see how they are growing their business and sharing genuine information. I remember when Roope first joined Wealthy Affiliate, I knew he was going to do well. It's been fascinating and inspiring following his journey.

I believe that by sharing in other member's successors, like you are doing, Mark, it inspires us to move forward even more.

Keep up the fantastic work, Mark, it's great!


100% Roy, they are 2 guys who have really given me the motivation!

Thanks again for the words of encouragement Roy.


It's a pleasure, Mark!

Great minds think alike!

Keep moving forward and have a great day.


Wow, Mark! That is super exciting and very inspiring! So happy for you and looking forward to hearing more about your new adventure.


As always thanks for your words of encouragement Susan!


You’re very welcome, Mark. Enjoy your weekend! :-))

Damn Mark, that is fantastic news!

I really need to pull my finger out and get on YouTube properly!!

Appreciate the update mate and enjoy the rest of your weekend!!


Cheers Nick!

Thats the way mate, I really think you will enjoy the YouTube journey!

Hope the pup is well, and you enjoy your weekend too mate.

Let's wait and see Mark!

The pup seems to be doing better cheers mate, but it is back to the specialist with her tomorrow morning then we will find out!!

Wishing her the best mate!

Cheers mate and the news from the specialist yesterday was quite encouraging!!


Great to hear mate!

It certainly is mate!!


Very awesome, indeed, Mark!


Thanks Jeff!

You're very welcome, Mark!


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