YouTube Shorts Day 2 Celebration

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Hey WA community this is just a quick celebration of sorts about a brand-new faceless YouTube shorts Channel that I started yesterday.

I have been researching a certain niche for some time now (I realize now how important research is thanks to my old mate @ParthaB) and think I may have cracked it, well at least for a day, and with only 3 shorts completed.

This short below, which was my second creation has had 440 views in 24 hours!

Now I realize for the SUPER YouTubers here that's a small number, but when I joined Wealthy Affiliate 3 years ago, I would never have dreamed that I could do this.

While my other 2 shorts are sitting at 100 and 110 respectively, I am really excited at where this 1-day old channel might go!

So, why Have I Posted This?

Wealthy Affiliate is an awesome community, and I have learned so much. Yes, I do promote Wealthy Affiliate and thanks to a certain member here (You know who you are LH) I am slowly building a YouTube channel with my face in it (Even though it's a face built for radio).

I guess what I am saying is that with all the tools and resources Kyle, Carson and the team have given us don't put all your eggs in the one basket!


Wishing everyone an awesome weekend and a successful journey.


P.S I'm off to create 3 Insta posts, 3 Pinterest Pins, and 3 Facebook posts to keep racking up those views FINGERS CROSSED!

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I started creating pins for a techie niche on Pinterest. Didn't get anywhere. Almost gave up but... I had created 2 a day for about 14 days (automatic publish feature) and Hey! I got a couple of engagements! So I just did another group to get me through the middle of March and looking to create a few more streams of pins over the next few days.

Thats the way Mike! There are so many mediums at our disposal.

Good morning Mark,

Thank you for your blog post, it's very interesting what people do with YouTube, especially with shorts.

I have three YouTube channels, but I haven't experimented properly with shorts yet, but it's something that I feel I should be doing.

It's great that you are enjoying Wealthy Affiliate so much, Mark! I agree with you, it's a great and genuine platform!

I don't particularly like showing my face on YouTube, Mark; however, it does get easier as time goes on. Quite a few of my videos are how-to videos, so more often than not, I just have a small picture of myself in the right-hand corner. This can be moved to anywhere on the screen. Personally, I think it's good to show a face as people like to know who they are dealing with.

Wishing you continued success with your YouTube shorts, Mark.


Hey Roy,

You are so right about the shorts space, looking on YouTube and researching I found that this space is what YouTube love, and while there is a ton of stuff out there, I think if done right anyone can compete.

I was, and still am to a certain extent someone who isn't 100% comfortable with my face on videos (Hence the comment that I have a head for radio lol) but it was a member here who has given me the inspiration and guts to keep pushing forward with it.

Thanks for sharing your experience and the words of encouragement Roy!

All the best mate.


Thank you, Mark.

I also think YouTube shorts can then help to lead people to add videos with longer content. I guess YouTube also likes shorts due to the fact that it helps with the competition against TikTok.

I do know exactly what you're saying about being on camera; I don't even like having my photograph taken! However, in my experience, the more time I spend on YouTube, the easier it gets. I must admit that I have very few videos where my face is showing in full screen, but my confidence is growing!

Incidentally, I think we are similar ages; Mark, I will be 59 very soon. Just to encourage you, I listen to a successful YouTuber who teaches YouTube and interviews all sorts of people. He has a lady who he interviewed who started a cookery channel, I believe she is in her late sixties. The channel is around five years old and she has just reached 1 million subscribers!

It's amazing what can be achieved online!

Have a great day.


Sounds like we are about a year apart Roy. I turned 60 in January, Who Said You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!

Exactly, Mark! I really enjoy learning new skills etc online. Most of my life has been involved with reasonably physical work, although it's easier now than what it used to be.

However, I do find it very refreshing to be sitting in front of the computer and not having to break my back and growing my online business. I don't actually want to retire, as I don't want to be someone who sits there doing unnecessary menial tasks, if you know what I mean!

Have a fantastic week and keep those videos coming.


We are so similar Roy! I know exactly what you mean mate, actual retirement isn't something I think I will ever fully do, as I would be bored crazy!

Hope you have a great week too Roy :)

Great minds think alike, Mark!

It's good to do things.

All the best to you.


You are on fire! Go for all of it. It inspires all of us

Thanks for the kind words Kathie!

Awesome, nice work Mark!

Thanks Kyle! It would never have been possible without Wealthy Affiliate and the people within mate.


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