Thank You

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Thank You these are two simple words yet can be one of the most powerful words given in many ways.

Thank you for helping me out

Here you are given thanks that become a two-way street. One is thanking you for helping that person or group.

The other is the one receiving the thank you for taking time to help one out. In return, it can make the helper feel not only good about themselves but also gratifying knowing they have helped someone in need of an answer or solution to a problem.

Thank you for all the support you have given me

Here you are thanking that person or group for the continued support along someone's journey in life. Regardless of what that journey is.

Thank you when said in a prayer (regardless of your religious belief)

Here you are thanking a higher presence for what you have been given or an opportunity to learn even if is a mistake that created a problem(s) or one you have struggled with but now realises this to be a lesson to learn from and go forward.

So you say thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and proceed to go forward in a most positive direction.

Thank you as you can see has many benefits just two words yet there are some who can't even do that.

There are many more that using the word thank you can be made but these are just some examples.

As we are here in WA these simple but powerful two words I have seen many times particulary in Live Chat the most but also with blogs and training we have or created are not used enough.

Think about it

How many times have you asked a question but didn't bother to say or even acknowledge a reply or sulution from someone?

How many of you have given a reply, answer, the solution to someone's question but they don't bother to even give a simple thank you if nothing else.

This I have seen becoming a more common issue with some particulary in Live chat but also on posts and training.

Common Courtesy

Just a simply common courtesy like a post, like a training say thank you in Live Chat

You don't know how much a simple reply as Thank You can give to someone but especially if they are new here and give an answer in response to a question and someone says thank you.

There may be nervous enough with their answer but are trying to help out where they can.

I am sure that person will feel happy that they have helped in some way.

Even if their answer didn't help you out too much or perhaps just didn't have all the solutions you were seeking.

It doesn't mean to say back that this didn't help me at all but word it around back to a simple "Thank you for that appreciated it I may need to look into it more"

Doesn't that sound better than saying that was no help at all or just simply ignoring them without a thank you?

That simple Thank You for your help and time can mean a world of difference to someone else.

It may mean to them that they have helped and indeed give them more confidence to continue to want to help down the track.


It could give them a sense of false confidence where they don't want to help because they feel their response was not appreciated and may be reluctant to help anyone again regardless that they many want to but their confidence is low.

Not a Law

Sure you don't have to say thank you there are no laws in WA instisting you say Thank you however it can be made in other ways as mention above or in this way as well.

For example:

Members taking their precious time to create training or a blog post for others

Liking their posts, Training is another way to say thank you.

I am sure if you did training or post for example you would like to see the like word ticked even if you don't want or can't think of something to say in a reply.

In fact, did you know that you can do both?

You can say something such as

Thank you for the post I apprecitate it.

Thank you I have saved this for later.

Thank you I have learned something new or something I didn't know or something I wasn't sure about so thank you for that.

Although as I said there are no rules but the rule of common courtesy would say thank you meaning thank you for your time and effort that you gave me whether I needed it now or not for perhaps one day you will need that advise and come back to it later when you will appreciate that you had that solution given before.

For now that is all I would like to say except for this.

Andre (aka Apache1

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Recent Comments


Good post Andre and thank you for sharing with all of us:)


You are most welcome Shubhaangi and thank you for your visit and comment much appreciated.
Have a wonderful weekend

Namaste :))


Hi Andre
This topic has been addressed before. I see that it needs to be updated every so often.

I like reading comments made to authors of posts such as this. I often learn something from other commenters that saves me from asking a similar question.

It really bothers me to see the author of a post or training give a like and reply to them, and not receive a courtesy like in return. How hard is it to thank someone who puts in the effort to reply to a comment that is given? I often give the authors who receive no like a like. Just to let them know that they are appreciated.

Thank you for bringing up this issue once again.


PS. I hope the community will weigh in on this in large numbers.

Thank you, Chuck, for your valuable input and you are certainly correct in what you are saying.

Always a good reminder not just here but in life, in general, it needs to be given more.

Here we all know this helps us both ways besides it is just common courtesy

Have a great weekend and year ahead.


Thank you for your comment

A good example of what you wrote is just below my comment.


You are welcome Chuck and yes

I hope this the one but all you said is of utmost value.

I hope the community will weigh in on this in large numbers.
Very much appreciated with that comment and I too hope many will do so.

Many do but there is always room for improvement.

Its nearly midnight here so soon I will be off to La La land have to get up at 4 am

So will say Goodnight

Take care and thank you for the added response I really do appreciate such responses.

Make this world of ours especially here in WA a better and happier place to be.


You are welcome, Andre.


Thanks Chuck glad to be part of your network
Goodnight from me I hope just a couple of more responses then hitting the sack with a smile too.


Thank you, Andre

1. Thank you for your post.
2. Thank you for including me in your WA network.

I like you am greatly disappointed by the lack of respect when it comes to a simple "Thank You".

I produce a newsletter for a volunteer organisation, & have circulated 573 editions over several years to subscribers. The number of people receiving the newsletter is more than 400 on a regular basis.
I can count almost, on one hand, the Thank You's I have received.

It makes me smile when I receive a Thank You - & I always Thank them back. Maybe I am just a bit strange - but it costs nothing to be polite & courteous.

Thank You for listening.


Firstly Denis thank you for accepting me into your network as well and also for the thanks to this post.

I am hoping I can spread this message further with all the support of our members.

Secondly totally agreed with you that even those simple thank yous you received for your newsletter can make a world of difference.

Thirdly you are not strange and you are correct it costs nothing to be polite & courteous

It helps the world evolve with such common courtesy

Have a great weekend and year ahead


Doesn't his reply deserve a thank you, too, Denis? Or at least "you're welcome"?


Some may not be on here now for various reasons, however, I appreciated your thoughts Chuck and Dennis's's response was very well appreciated too.

Thank you again, Andre.

No probs Chuck and thank you for all the support as well

OOPs -- I forgot

Thank you Andre


Thank you for your post! I enjoyed reading it!

Thank you Cathy for the visit and you kind words.

Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy all you do in life.


Thank you for sharing your experience & though with us. I'm very greatfull & confident that I will success with the help from you guys.
Thank you.👍👍😁

You are most welcome Meor you will find so many fellow members here who are only too willing to help and support our fellow friend here.
Thank you once again for the follow as well as your comment here too
Have a great weekend and as I said before just keep going forward and believe in yourself and all you do.


Well said my friend

Thank you for sharing and reminding us (me) that simple actions can and do mean a lot to others.



Hey Barry how are you both going well I hope? Thank you for the visit and comment.

It certainly is a simple action but one I feel powerful and too many times it has been lost along the years of the good old days..

Get better and looking forward in hearing more from you.

Have a great weekend


Thank you too for welcoming all of us into your world.

Thank you Florence for being part of it as our world are the same life.

You are much appreciated.

Enjoy your weekend


Thank you kindly, Mr. Awesome Ambassador Andre! ....

"LiKe!' ..... super blog post and great reminder for everyone >> pay it forward >>

all the best, cheerio ... ⭐️🎈

Thank you, Princess Ambassador Keisha,

Always a pleasure to be of service to you and being part of your network.

You are always appreciated along with our fun words of choice along the way.

Have an awesome weekend and year ahead my friend

Mahalo and Aloha


Yes, absolutely Awesome! ... thank YOU!

agree, it is an honour & privilege to serve ....

enjoy an Awesome everything ... cheerio ... :)

Thank You Keisha I will

I am sure we will chat some more here so for now

Take care and Cheerio

For you

So agree it seems to be a lost social manner. I must be old school as I even say thank you to comments received on my website and also to comments given ..thanking them for the information in an article i read.
So thank you for an excellent post. ☺

Thank You Cathy

Yes I agree many of the common courtesy words such as thank you, please, you are welcome etc seems to be a lost world of forgotten words at times.

Even going to go shopping I don't hear that enough from shoppers and at times from workers.

Thank you can go a long way even just to bring a smile to someones face it's worth saying and it doesn't cost a cent to do so.

So thank you for your comments, like and words so much appreciated.


No! I should thank you for the time you took to answer questions

Thank you Richard for your words and it is my please to help where i Can

Have an awesome weekend


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