Just for laughs only with simple home remedies (Not)

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This is just for some laughs and is not recommended to follow through.

Medical disclaimer: The points below are not a medical recommendation and should not be applied if you have common sense.

  1. If you are not that handy in the kitchen to avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables in the kitchen get someone else to hold the vegetables while you chop them.
  2. If you suffer from high blood pressure then simply cut yourself and bleed a few minutes, this may help to reduce the pressure on your veins, REMEMBER TO USE A TIMER AND MAKE SURE IT IS THE VEINS AND NOT THE ARTERIES VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW.
  3. If you are one of those lazy people to get up in the morning and press that snooze button on the alarm clock again and again. Quick solution: Place a mouse trap on top of your alarm clock ,t his will prevent you from going back to sleep again and get to work in proper time. It also saves the rushing around in the morning.
  4. Suffering from a bad cough? Take a large dose of laxatives. This should make you afraid enough to cough at all especially if you are at work.
  5. You only need 2 tools in life which is WD-40 and Duck tape. The reasoning is if it doesn't move should then use the WD-40, if it moves and shouldn't use the duck tape.
  6. Remember if you can't fix something with a hammer most likely you have an electrical problem.
  7. If you are having a cold drink with ice and the ice gets stuck in your throat then simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat. Bingo the blockage will quickly be removed.
  8. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

Ok now you had your laugh get stuck with your online work and move forward the right way not the way above.

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Recent Comments


These were too funny , great to start the day with humor ! I read these to my hubby we both had good laugh. M

Glad to hear it gave you a good start to the day with a smile and for you both as well awesome to hear.


Hahaha, Andre

Thanks for brightening up my day! 👍

I particularly like number four, although they’re all good. I wish I would have learned that one in medical school! 🤣😂

Remember, if you can’t fix it with Duct tape then you can’t fix it! 😎

Have a great week ahead.

Rock On! 🎹🎶
Frank 🤘🎸

Thanks Frank there are some good ones there perhaps not funny enough for some then again some can't see the humor in life either enjoy your day I am heading off to rest.

“Laughter is the best medicine,” Andre!

Sleep well,
Frank 🎸

Yes it is Frank and back at it now Tuesday morning here 9.30 am

Have a great day, Andre! 👍😎

Frank 🎸

Thank you Frank already am you do the same.

Keep on rocking 🤘🎸

Andre 🎹

Love it, Andre! Enjoy the new week!


thanks Jeff much appreciated

You're welcome, Andre!

I loved the post!


Thank you enjoy the rest of your day

Andre :)

You're very welcome too, Andre!

You do the same!


#6...if it is an electrical problem, then you just need a bigger hammer...just sayin'...

Perhaps maybe a claw Hammer LOL

Wait....#5 and #6 are true....

WD-40 or duct tape will work every time.....

And if it isnt fixed with a hammer, then it is an electrical problem...grin.


Thanks Rudy and certainly agree with the WD-40 part so essential to have a home. Plus Duck tape will certainly help at times

The WD40 works well in locksmith work too, Andre!


I use WD40 to unfreeze just about anything that’s rusted, Jeff.

Frank 🤘🎸

I feel WD-40 is one of the best inventions around so useful for so many things I always have a can or two around the home and it is not just for rust either.

It definitely works very well, Frank!


Absolutely, Andre! It’s a great all-around lubricant!

They also make a silicon spray that’s stable up to about 1,200 degrees F, so it’s good for high temperature settings like oven racks, etc.

Frank 🎸

Best invention ever Jeff and so useful for many things

Yep it is so amazing what it can do around the home and many other places cars, etc

Very true, indeed, Andre!


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