About AndreaK1
Rank 16955
237 followers Joined March 2018
My name is Andrea and I live on the Mississippi Gulfcoast with my husband, 2 teenage daughters and a bunch of animals. I work in





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am thinking about signing on to the affiliate program with Viglink. Should I use the HTML code and copy and paste in my theme editor or use the plugin?

My theme editor

Okay, just to ensure that you understand that Viglink is not an affiliate program. It is a service which converts your text to affiliate links. It means that you don't have to apply to each program on your own. However, it also means that they get 25% of your commissions as payment for their services. If any merchant has an issue with your site, they can tell Viglink to remove you from their program.

Thanks Jeannine, I didn't know that about Viglink, especially the point with the high commission.
I will reconsider signing on to Viglink.


They offer a good service which can make things easier if you have trouble selecting what links to show. They earn their money for sure. Some folks need their help, other don't.

Hi Andrea - I'd be inclined to use the HTML code, as new plugins can sometimes clash with your other plugins, and can also slow your website loading speed.


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What's the best way to install the viglink?

What's the best way to install the viglink?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am thinking about signing on to the affiliate program with Viglink. Should I use the HTML code and copy and paste in my theme editor or use the plugin?

My theme editor

Okay, just to ensure that you understand that Viglink is not an affiliate program. It is a service which converts your text to affiliate links. It means that you don't have to apply to each program on your own. However, it also means that they get 25% of your commissions as payment for their services. If any merchant has an issue with your site, they can tell Viglink to remove you from their program.

Thanks Jeannine, I didn't know that about Viglink, especially the point with the high commission.
I will reconsider signing on to Viglink.


They offer a good service which can make things easier if you have trouble selecting what links to show. They earn their money for sure. Some folks need their help, other don't.

Hi Andrea - I'd be inclined to use the HTML code, as new plugins can sometimes clash with your other plugins, and can also slow your website loading speed.


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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I think I got this plugin when I wanted to sign up for GoogeAdsense. Only, I never got on board with Adsense but I still have the plug in and the adsense code is still there.</

Hey Andrea,

This will explain: Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you, I will look at this.

This was exactly what I needed! Thank you so much! I had installed the plug in but could not figure out how to use it!

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What can I use my header and footer plugin for?

What can I use my header and footer plugin for?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I think I got this plugin when I wanted to sign up for GoogeAdsense. Only, I never got on board with Adsense but I still have the plug in and the adsense code is still there.</

Hey Andrea,

This will explain: Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you, I will look at this.

This was exactly what I needed! Thank you so much! I had installed the plug in but could not figure out how to use it!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I search for my website in Google and click on it my site comes up with the Wordpress bar on top! It also tells me next to the https that it is not secure, I mean there is

Hi Andrea,

You just have to turn on the site SSL ( https)

- go to the site manager via websites in the lefthand menu.


- scroll down to your website click on details.

- scroll down to SiteSSL (HTTPS) and turn it on.

- refresh your browser.

you will be good to go.

If you visit your site via your word press dashboard you will see the Word Press menu bar, no one else will see it.

Thanks for answering Alex.
I do have the SSL turned on, but I think, like Marion says, it might be the mixed content on my site. As far as I remember I used to have the padlock showing up next to https but now it's a (!). I have been adding more images to my posts, that might be the reason why it's not showing secured anymore.

Make sure your not signed in to your blog before you search in Google then clear your internet cache and try again

Only you can see the WordPress bar because you're logged in to your website. Log out or use a different browser to see what other people are seeing.

The "not secure" thingy is because you don't have SSL turned on.

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Why does my website come up with wordpress in google ?

Why does my website come up with wordpress in google ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I search for my website in Google and click on it my site comes up with the Wordpress bar on top! It also tells me next to the https that it is not secure, I mean there is

Hi Andrea,

You just have to turn on the site SSL ( https)

- go to the site manager via websites in the lefthand menu.


- scroll down to your website click on details.

- scroll down to SiteSSL (HTTPS) and turn it on.

- refresh your browser.

you will be good to go.

If you visit your site via your word press dashboard you will see the Word Press menu bar, no one else will see it.

Thanks for answering Alex.
I do have the SSL turned on, but I think, like Marion says, it might be the mixed content on my site. As far as I remember I used to have the padlock showing up next to https but now it's a (!). I have been adding more images to my posts, that might be the reason why it's not showing secured anymore.

Make sure your not signed in to your blog before you search in Google then clear your internet cache and try again

Only you can see the WordPress bar because you're logged in to your website. Log out or use a different browser to see what other people are seeing.

The "not secure" thingy is because you don't have SSL turned on.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Do I need Javascript to use Viglinks as affiliate program?

Okay, for starters, Viglink isn't an affiliate program. They are a service to connect you to affiliate programs.

One really great thing about Viglink (and their larger competitor, Skimlinks), is that they walk you through the process. They will provide you with the code you can paste on your site which will trigger their service.

Hey Andrea,

Google searching your question: "Do I need Javascript to use Viglinks as affiliate program" (without the quotation marks, of course), I was offered links to support options provided by Viglinks.

If you run the same Google search and read through their documentation you may find the answer you are looking for.

Hope you find this helpful.

Does anybody have experience with viglinks?

Does anybody have experience with viglinks?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Do I need Javascript to use Viglinks as affiliate program?

Okay, for starters, Viglink isn't an affiliate program. They are a service to connect you to affiliate programs.

One really great thing about Viglink (and their larger competitor, Skimlinks), is that they walk you through the process. They will provide you with the code you can paste on your site which will trigger their service.

Hey Andrea,

Google searching your question: "Do I need Javascript to use Viglinks as affiliate program" (without the quotation marks, of course), I was offered links to support options provided by Viglinks.

If you run the same Google search and read through their documentation you may find the answer you are looking for.

Hope you find this helpful.

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Yesterday I tried to submit some comments through SiteComment and typed several paragraphs. Then I hit "submit" and nothing was moving! I did this several times ... I have subm

Yep, I had the same issue, and I have tried to re-submit my comment from yesterday, apparently didn't work, I think, I have lost the credit, not too happy though because offering comment it's not always very easy to do if you want to leave an appropriate comment you have to spent a little bit time to read and write.

Sorry for answering so late, obviously the site was down.
Yes, you are right, can be time consuming to leave comments, that's why I was a little frustrated.

Hi - Site Comments was down for several hours yesterday. Everybody experienced the same problem.


Just a thought have you set up your Gravatar account this is
necessary to leave comments in the Site Comment area.


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Why did my site comment not work?

Why did my site comment not work?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Yesterday I tried to submit some comments through SiteComment and typed several paragraphs. Then I hit "submit" and nothing was moving! I did this several times ... I have subm

Yep, I had the same issue, and I have tried to re-submit my comment from yesterday, apparently didn't work, I think, I have lost the credit, not too happy though because offering comment it's not always very easy to do if you want to leave an appropriate comment you have to spent a little bit time to read and write.

Sorry for answering so late, obviously the site was down.
Yes, you are right, can be time consuming to leave comments, that's why I was a little frustrated.

Hi - Site Comments was down for several hours yesterday. Everybody experienced the same problem.


Just a thought have you set up your Gravatar account this is
necessary to leave comments in the Site Comment area.


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