Who are you working for in your life?


I want to share with you guys one of my articles i wrote. I am sorry if it is too long but i felt it in my heart to share....

As I sit here wondering what I have been thru during my life and trying to remember the most memorable times I have had. Sadly, there are not enough to count.

You see we are programed to believe that there is a pattern of things that need to take place and we need to follow. Go to school, maybe and hopefully go to college, get in debt, be married and maybe have some kids right away and keep getting into more debt. Find a job that will pay enough to get by…

We are programed to believe that this is the way to live our lives, that there is no other way. We live paycheck to paycheck with a dream of maybe one day we will do something different that will change the outcome of where our lives is headed, or maybe hope we will get lucky and win the lotto.

We spend many years of our lives on a 9-5 job with the hopes of maybe one day we will retire and maybe we will be young and healthy enough to enjoy what’s left of our lives!

There are too many maybes, hopes and dreams. But are there enough actually real chances of going to the other side of the field and be assured that the grass is actually greener? Who can guarantee us that when we are old and we have spend many years working for someone else, producing what is demanded from us, showing up to work whether we want to or not, trying to please those above us, the big guys, the boss. Some will play the political game and try to advance further during those working years in the hopes that when the time comes to retiring, there will be just a little bit extra.

Why do we accept this destiny for ourselves? We were not meant to work from sun up to sun down! We were not meant to give our lives to building someone else’s dream and forgetting about our own!!

What future are we really building for ourselves when all we do is put all our energy and effort at building something that at the end of our careers we hope they will keep their promise and take care of us. How insane is that!! Leaving our destiny on someone else’s hand??

I want to one day be able to sit back and remember the wonderful memories I have been able to make. I am not talking about extravagant trips or things that money can buy, but instead those memories that we can only get by having the freedom to be there when those special moments happen.

If you have kids like I do, then you will be able to relate to this. How many times did you miss a very special moment from your kid’s lives? Was it because you HAD to be at work if not you could get fired? All you could do is just sit there with that guilty feeling that makes you sick to the stomach because once more we let our kids down. I have been there far too many times…

A moment in time only happens once, there is no going back once is gone. Every day, every minute and second we get older and so those around us. People are not meant to last forever but I believe we are meant to enjoy to the fullest the time we are given.

Where is our independency, our free will that is our righteous God’s most special gift to us?

What ever it is you decide to do, do it with the intensions of helping someone else that could be in the same spot as you where before taking control. It is said that the definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different result.

Stop the insanity and let’s get proactive. Build a legacy, a better future for those that will be left after you are long gone. Work on your dreams and just BELIEVE that they will come true! If you tried before and failed that’s ok, you are only defeated if you don’t get up and keep trying.

God Bless,


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I really liked your post especially about leaving a legacy, there are two great void,s in our life,s that need to be filled one is Believe (Faith), the other is feeling like you have helped someone along the way not just received but given in this life. Having the courage to change the needs a little thought and a lot of effort but the rewards are life changing.
Thanks for your great post & thoughts
God Bless you

Very true!

Thanks for writing that as it gives me encouragement. I keep saying things can get better but when they don't I get discouraged sometimes because I realize I am getting older every day. I am nearing retirement age but financially not ready to retire. That is why I am here because I believe if I keep on I will succeed.

Don't give up, I find myself there sometimes but then I remember my WHY, the beginning is always the hardest. Consistency is the key and have faith.

I was a single mom with 3 little kids by age 24. I struggled all my adult life to make something good for them. When I was young I believed that the sky really was the limit. When the responsibility of children came, my dreams went out the door. I believed that I was only "good enough" for a minimum wage job and a life at the poverty level. I recently managed to release myself from a proverbial "albatross" and I'm beginning to see the light of day for the first time in almost 15 years.

Programming, circumstances, insecurity. There are many things that keep us down. If I'm honest, I'll say that I'm scared to death of working out this online business. It's alien to me and my responsibilities are still the same but I have enough courage now to look up and over the circumstances and see potential.

Courage is action in the face of fear, not the absence of fear. So, congratulations on your courageous action of working on your own business! May you have great success.

I have been a single mom too and Incan relate to what you went thru.new things can be scary sometimes but the fear of not succeeding should be greater than the fear of trying.

Never put yourself down. Everyone who uses the internet had to learn at some stage. Like at this as the next natural progression, but this time you are in control. All the best with your business venture.

Truthful and very well written. More and more people are becoming aware of the truth that you wrote about. Being independent and free is what more and more people are choosing and working towards it, and yes the program that was made for us to believe that there was only that one traditional way which made only our boss's boss's boss and their few downlines rich, is becoming obsolete.

Yet and sadly not enough realize it. Society sometimes tells us we are not good enough to dream bigger simply because of where we came from, it's time to start changing that!

The important thing is you recognise the facts that make up working class life and have enough desire to want to rise above that. "Young and healthy" is something that is in the past for a lot of us unfortunately, but what is here today is the opportunity to improve our lives and those around us by using the resources here.

I think it is always important to understand where you came from, why you want to improve it and then you begin to change your mindset and realise that the life we are brought up to believe we should live does NOT have to be that way. Keep going Alicia, you and your family have great things ahead of you.

Very true, thank you coolcity.

im inspired.thank you

Thank you!

Very well written. It touches home for me. My daughter is 20 and just started here junior year in college yesterday. Wow, where did the time go. Luckily for me I have a lot of wonderful memories with her. This next chapter should be just as wonderful.Thank you for the walk down memory lane.

Than you Dave, I am sure you are a proud dad.

Hi Get Healthy, you really appreciate life, don't you? Just imagine what memories your children will have of you in the future; actually, they've got a lot already. I propose a "memory night" where each family member gets a few minutes to tell it their way with acceptance even if it's not the way you thought it was. The thing about the past is that it is not solid and it's not over. We manage to adjust it by seeing it through new eyes and even through the eyes of others. How would you like your past to be different? Be Picard and MAKE IT SO!

I love that idea Mrs. Shields! Thank you

IM can unlock the freedom. It truly is unique. Nice piece of writing :)

thank you!

A moment in time...well said. I agree, it's so easy to miss those. My kids are teens now and I miss their childhood days. But as they approach adulthood I find them becoming very intriguing people. I'm truly enjoying this season in their lives.

Rick i am so happy for you that you get to enjoy them!!. My kids are still very small and I don't want to miss those special moments, ever.

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