Take Baby Steps on Your First Website

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In the world we live in today, instant gratification (IG) seems to be the # 1 reason for people to get things done!

The downside is when you don't get the IG, your emotions can range from disappointment to anger. All because you 'didn't get what you want'.

So, here you are at one of the best platforms for showing you how to make money online, and yet, your expectations are to make money instantly.


Even with a j-o-b, you still have to do the work before you get paid, right?

Same with online business, do the work and you will be paid, sometimes later rather than sooner. But then again, the niche you selected to blog about is a hit-or-miss scenario, that may or may not pay out...

Here at Wealthy Affiliate, we learn....LEARN....how to make money.

And it takes time to really learn it well enough to apply it.

We need to take Baby Steps and really understand what we are doing.

My martial arts instructor (Sensei) explained the rank system to me in this way.

From white to brown, the student learns How to do.

The Black Belt begins their journey to learn WHY they do...

Here you are on a breakneck pace to hurry up and finish your website so you can start making money, yet, you get discouraged because it doesn't look right, feel right, it's not perfect, etc.

Frustrating, isn't it?

To ease your frustration, I came up with a plan that helped me.

  • First, break it down into smaller steps. Create quality not quantity.
  • Focus on one page at a time. Here, we start our About page.
  • Create an outline for each page/post for best continuity
  • Write a rough draft first, then go back and edit. It doesnโ€™t have to be perfect on the first try.
  • Utilize tools like Grammarly for proofreading, Block editor from design and layout
  • Once a page is done, review it and make any necessary adjustments before moving to the next.
  • If possible, get feedback from someone else. A fresh set of eyes can catch things you might have missed. See Kyle's post: Website Feedback

Follow these steps and you'll have your pages completed before you know it.

If you need any more assistance along the way, feel free to reach out. Leave your comments below!


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Recent Comments


That is some pretty sound advice Rudy!

I'm all for taking my time and doing things correctly.... doesn't always work out that way but...!!!

Take care buddy and have a great week!! :-)

Thanks, Nick.

I'm getting ready to leave in a couple of weeks for the National Pool Tournament held in Las Vegas!

My ebb and flow is on the upswing, and that's a good thing.

Our team will need to win 6 or 7 matches to make it to the final table....


Great stuff Rudy!!

I know you are seasoned pro on the pool circuit, but.... what always helped me back in the day was to have a few hours on a full sized snooker table before any pool competition....

Generally I couldn't miss a ball!!

I'm sure you have your own system in place though!!

All the very best bud and keep me informed ok!! :-)

Yes, that's true, I have access to a 9 footer table that I can play on. It does help!

And I am an amateur pool player....grin. I play in the APA league.


A nine footer isn't too bad bud, I always preferred a nice 12ร—6 footer to really hone my skills before a big tournament though!!


We play on 7 footer Diamond tables, I've not played on a 12 footer...nor have I ever played snooker.

I currently play 8 and 9 ball in one league, and 10 ball in a second league.


Sounds like you keep yourself busy on the circuit bud!!

I honestly haven't played properly for years... pool or even snooker is not really a thing here in France unfortunately!! :-)

Bummer! I had no idea the French didn't play..


They do play a little, but... the only time you find a table is in a shitty little place where the table is covered in beer stains and cigarette burns!!

Plus... I doubt I would get along with the shady locals that drink in these places anyway!!!!

Ahhh, good to know when traveling the pool circuit.....grin.


Let me know when you go international buddy!!!

Will do! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Great! I'll show you around the best and worst pool halls in Europe!!


Sounds like a plan, Nick!


It does indeed Rudy!


Absolutely right. A thousand small steps.

Thanks Bux....


It's great to learn from a good leader. Like the breakdown, Rudy!

Thanks, Rick!


Great advice. Thank you.

You're welcome!


Ok, microphone guy thanks.

Haha....you're welcome, Brenda.


Yep! Grin! ๐Ÿ‘

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