You have to. B. U.

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Infinite Opportunities.

We have what feels like, "infinite content" and "infinite choice" on the internet these days.

How can I get people to look at my website? What is the currency of the internet in my opinion? ATTENTION. We are all looking for people to pay attention to us.

The battle for marketers is to get attention.

What comes First ( Easter, it's the egg)

I first have to break my potential readers attention from what they are doing now to what I want them to do. And how do I do that, by writing or vlogging, like everyone else.

They may be skipping around the internet or looking for something specific, so what can I provide that will instantly captivate them.

Keyword research, take off my socks? Not sure, but keyword research is definitely the better option.

The only thing I have different is me. The same as all of us. just "B U "

Once we have someone's attention, how do we keep it?

Add value, ...

Value is the currency we deposit to retain the attention of our readers. and how can I add value to my readers? By being me. At no cost to me, I can add value to my readers by being..

  • Useful. Being useful in providing answers to my readers questions.
  • Urgent. Providing answers ASAP.
  • Unique. Just be yourself, everyone can spot a phony.
  • Undivided attention. Focus on your reader and what they want, not on you.
  • Ultra specific. drilling down on detail and providing all answers to a question.

Be "U", you are the best there is.

Skepticism is at an all-time high on the internet so let us all be the best we can.

Zoopie to some, friends to all.

Find me at "Wealthy Affiliate for your help and support".

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Recent Comments


Hey Zoopie it is always important to be yourself, we must realize we're unique, special and the only one there's. We must be confident, even though we're wrong we must be confidently wrong, not saying well not sure but sure of yourself.

Thank you for that post, exceptionally interesting and thought provoking.

Thanks Elodie, the older I get the easier it is to be myself. It takes a while to find out who we are sometimes.

Woow, you definitely got my attention here! You are so unique, so helpful and you unselfishly share your knowledge and experience.

Thank you for that!


Thanks for the great comments.

Great post, Stephen! 👍

Thanks my friend.
We must be us.
Am getting the call from my wife, lol. 10.45 pm. You’ve done enough, lol.

Yeah, I'm sometimes down in my music room at 2 or 3 AM, when my wife suddenly appears and gives me the thumb gesture to go upstairs and come to bed. 😊 🎸

Lol, same boss different country.

Well you catched me lol
BU backup

Marked as top

Well picked. My dad had a different expansion of that acronym.
B_ _ _ er up.


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