The Plague of Facebook.

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Be Careful, not Carefree.

Facebook has become a site for "false adds" and dubious posts. As much as I still advertise and post on facebook it is becoming less relevant in the scheme of things.

I have personally fallen foul of this and tried to buy a cheap..ish computer only to get ripped off and no computer delivered. Any recompense from Facebook..Lol. Nothing, Nada..not even a response.

Also, I now find malicious people who will "report" your post just because they do not want any competition. And the "duty of care" that Facebook provides is woefully inadequate. I would not be surprised if they only use AI for their first round of checks and only if a complaint is lodged maybe will they look deeper. But do not bet on it.

Below is a transcript from a facebook user. It is relevant because a lot of people will now not trust any supplier or promotion on Facebook.

From a Facebook user

Ads are what makes money for Facebook, not the social media aspect. Most of the ads are to non-existent companies, or companies who take your money and deliver no product. You have to do your research before buying anything on Facebook. I learned a long time ago not to purchase from any advertiser on Facebook or from Marketplace unless it is a local seller whose home I can go to and see the product I want to purchase. It's not going to change. Use at your own risk.
"Transcript from facebook User


I find sites like LinkedIn, Quora, and Pinterest better serve me in promotions than relying on Fartbook...whoops sorry, Facebook.

Give me any feedback on what you think of Fart.....Facebook.

Zoopie the Miffed


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Well I thought that Facebook would be good to gain more exposure in your business but definitely not always good when you have to compete with a bunch of ads that will outright lie and steal. I learned the hard way which is why I will never buy anything off from Facebook again sadly. :/

Myra ♥️

I agree, Stevoi. I only post to FB via my social links. I have an old account from playing Farmville, which no longer exists.

I do have friends that are on it, so sometimes I check their stuff out, but I think it's a junky place, too, lol.


Hey Steve, Good post. I got banned permanently from Facebook a couple of years ago because a malicious person hacked into my FB account and posted some things that "did not meet community guidelines". I never use it, therefore, and have not missed it. I agree that LinkedIn, Instagram, Quora, and Pinterest are better options. Cheers. Jenni.

Hi Jenni,
Getting permanently banned is probably a good thing as it means you don’t waste any time on it at all.
I also think the owners have a dubious past in setting up the whole platform with many people stabbed in the back metaphorically.

Hi Steve

The reality is that all the major social platforms and search engines exist primarily to make money, but some are more trustworthy than others.

Interesting title image. Physicians used to fill the long part covering their nose with cotton when they visited with patients during the height of the bubonic plaque.

My wife bought me a great bronze statue of a plaque mask that resides in the greenhouse off the side of our living room because it was scaring my niece when she was two years old. Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

Never used it and never will Stevoi!

Your (or is it you're 🤣) comments here seem to justify my decision!

Have a wonderful weekend buddy!


Cheers buddy, how is that wagon bumping along.
I am hitching up a ride on the same wagon this month and will be moaning and groaning the whole month

Hi Steve!

I agree with you! Facebook has become an advertising nightmare of false claims and bogus products.

I mostly use it to keep up with friends (which is what it was designed for), but nothing else. I get loads of bogus posts from foreign countries and other garbage that I have to delete.

I have considered leaving the platform!

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