Personalized Marketing

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Consumers want Personalized Service.

I found this little gem when I was tidying up a blog from yesterday and preparing for teaching today.

This reinforces my gut feel that just like me, there are a lot of people who want personal advice and are not getting it.

This screams out to me that WE could be providing that advice now to our readers.

One could say this is a CTA for a CTA. Hahaha…no lols today, I am all lolled ou

Eighty percent of consumers like personalized marketing recommendations, according to Marigold and Econsultancy research. As cookie deprecation accelerates, marketers are scrambling to find alternative—and secure—tools to give the people what they want.

Saturday in Vietnam, so I hope you all have a great weekend of writing providing free recommendations to help your readers in their Niche.


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This is one of my biggest pet peeves, whether it is providing information to your customers or fellow marketers. When a customer asks a question, too often, I see the expert or the one with the knowledge give a link for them to read. I find this irritating. Your customer is seeking information, and while I understand that the marketer may feel like the customer is lazy and needs to read it, I still think they should give them the answer. I am not saying to go into reciting War and Peace but to answer the main point. Example: How do I attach the XYZ widget to the ABC gadget? My response would be to line up the threads of the widget and the gadget and screw clockwise. Then I will respond: Here is a link to the instructions for combining and using the XYZ widget and ABC gadget. Not only do I do this for a customer, but if I know the answer to a question one of my fellow platform members asks, I give them the quick, short answer and include a link for further information.

Sometimes, I think we believe people are lazy and need to find the answers for themselves when they may have been looking for the answers for hours. This is especially true for new customers or platform members like at WA. Even long-term members may have a problem finding something occasionally. No, we should not tell them how to do everything, but we should at least give them a brief answer to their question and follow up with a link to where to find the info. Sadly, I see people sharing the link and telling them to look here. I feel like courtesy and helpfulness sometimes suffer.

Whew, that was long-winded, sorry...LOL


Nancy, that is exactly right. We should be providing the answer to the question on how to do it, and only then link to the “ tool” that helps you do it.

Stevoi, I was afraid I was way out there somewhere, and I was the only one that thought this way. I like following up my answer with a link to more information, if possible.


Thanks Steve!


Tim 🎼

Thanks Tim, have blitzed of a weekend.

Definitely a nice little gem there Steveoi and what we all should be doing!

Have a fantastic weekend buddy!


Sunday morning and time keeps on slipping, slipping into the cut. Should write a song about that… lol.

No plagiarism please buddy!!


Have a great weekend ahead, Stevoi!

Myra ♥️

Thanks Myraoi. Head down again and making those hours count.

How very true, how intuitive of you Stevoi.
Clinging on to Friday here in the UK. Saturday soon and a busy day is planned, you know the thing, Steve, drinking coffee, eating cakes, walking to the next cafe, drinking tea this time and another cake. Life is so damned hard at times.
Enjoy the weekend buddy.

A busy weekend my friend, just the way I like it.

Cafe Bux?? Is that what you are calling the Full Moon now??


As Bux said buddy, cake life is hard, you may as well be howling at the moon. CAAAAAKKKKKEEEEE

Cake life certainly isn't easy Steveoi and who knows what I will be howling tonight with the wife out of the country!!!


Hahaha…are you sure it’s cake that makes you howl… lol.
🐺 👯‍♀️🍻lol

Probably not as I rarely indulge in cakes, but.... certain beverages tend to have a strange effect on me if I stay up too late!!


Don’t we all. Stay focused.

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