Meta Business Suite Postings for Success
Up and At Them Folkly Doklys.
Enjoying your day off, back to work...hahaha...oops, that was only me.
I had a "pissie" Chrissie and had to front up today to 3 classes of Kindergarteners.. OMG, they are loud.
But, I'm Back.
Why, because ...I want to make money. lol.
What helps
This does. use meta business to plan your Facebook/Meta posts from older content and also keep posting the newer stuff.
I hope I got the link right, my brain is still "boxing day" Float like a flower and sting like a bee... who said that...Kudos to those that know.
This is what it looks like, if your aren't using it, at least have a lookand see if it can help.
I Was
...Going to go through every painstaking detail, but it is boxing day, I got a new Huawei pad and there is a beer in the fridge.
What would you do....
I Hope
....You all had a great Christmas from Stevoi
Recent Comments
Merry Christmas Zoopie, and a big thanks for the post. I had not realized that I could do that in the new Meta.
Funny, but just 30 seconds before I read your post I was browsing an ad about scheduling social media posts. I am glad I did not hit the buy button.
Enjoy your Boxing Day and best wishes for you in the coming year!
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Sounds good to me, Stevoi!
Have a great holiday week :)
Cheers Terioi
Hope Santa 🎅 got everything you needed.