Forming callouses and Going Blind

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I have been quiet for a few weeks because I have been forming callouses.

Doing things repeatedly build up your strength and form an edge on what you do. Here and in life.

Sooo I’ve been changing me. What do “ they” say… change yourself and you can change the world.

And things like the Canadian gov… woops can’t say that until they get their pensions. Hehe.

This month is exercise and change a lot of the stuff I have done.

Do what you hate the most.

I have been getting up at 4am, walking for 3 k and then back home and exercise for 2 hours. I HATE it.

But I do it…

Find what you hate and do it repeatedly and build those callouses.

And the pic above reminds ma there is a God as he or she put on the most beautiful display this afternoon.



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Hi Steve

Over the years I’ve become very good at avoiding the stuff I dislike doing.

I think I dislike boredom the most or maybe even my own ignorance, which is probably why I’m always trying to learn something new.

In my defense, I have great callouses on my left hand fingertips from playing guitars, but that’s about it. 😎

Rock On and Be Well! 🤘
Frank 🎸

Thanks for making me think! First I was thinking about am I building callouses. Yes, but not the ones for making money. Then I thought about what is it I hate to do so I could decide if I want to start doing it. Nope, I don't, haha. Then I thought what I dislike doing in the making money arena is probably my bottleneck and slowing down any progress I might make. So now I am making a list of all the things I am not doing which I should be doing to build my callouses.

Good for you, Steve. I don't do the exercise, but my dog makes me do the 3K every day. I hope you are feeling the benefits of your callouses.

Good for you Steve, I know exactly how you feel some days about exercise.
I make myself walk every day. Sometimes its a mile, sometimes 3 miles but not often. The hardest part is starting, and 4am starts - no way.
You can do it Steve. Do it - do it - do it.

Hang in there, Stevoi!


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