Change Your Inner Voice.

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Think Positive.

We all have that critical voice inside that always seems to point out our flaws and errors. These are nasty little demons that niggle away and depress you if you let them.

They can be anything from a transient feeling of self-doubt to invasive, recurring patterns that affect our everyday functioning and mental health.

Persistent negativity can have far-reaching effects on relationships, productivity, and the general level of life satisfaction in addition to our mood.

Stress, anxiety, and even depression can result from a negative thought pattern that warps our perception and can lead to physical as well as mental health problems.

Luckily most of us don't go down that rabbit hole often, if at all. However, even small amounts of self-doubt can affect your work.

Transform Those Negative Thoughts

You can change those negative thoughts that may be slowing down your business. But before I get into a few of the techniques I gotta say that I once thought this "stuff" was a load of rubbish. ( woohoo, being polite today)

I tended to place all of these ideas under the heading "Hippie shite" or "Woke Wa--"(Fill in the blanks, lol. I come from a family where hugging one another meant you were soft, and hugging trees was a one-way ticket to an asylum. Lol.

Anyway, I digress and it was a course I did with "AXA", the insurance company that opened my eyes. The course pulled down a lot of self-limiting mental barriers that stopped or inhibited my business and interaction with others.

A few ideas that can help are the following...

There is a method called 'thought stopping'. When a pessimistic ( I call them evil little bastards) thought arises, tell yourself to "stop" mentally. Change your thoughts to something more constructive or positive by picturing a beach or even a beer. Or a pink kangaroo having a beer. That should make you smile, and I find nothing helps me more than a smile turning into a belly laugh.

Positive self-talk is also important. Negative stories in your head can be gradually replaced with affirmations of your value and competence if you repeat them regularly. This was one of the "AXA" ideas. Every morning I would wake up and stand in front of a mirror and say "I am a winner" and "I love you" This would "crack me up" and I would end up laughing for about 5 minutes. ( I won't share some of the thoughts I This is probably not what was intended but It worked better for me.

Some people make a list of affirmations and recite them every day. Don't knock it until you try it. And you need to do it for at least 3 months.

I also practice mindfulness and meditation. You can prevent yourself from getting sucked into worrying about the past or the future by doing this. For meditation, I use Tai Chi and have found a Vietnamese master. (And cheap, lol) And "Mindfulness" is just being aware of what is around you and focusing on what is happening now. There is no use worrying about the future,,,you might get hit by a bus.

And for those of you who read my last blog here, I have a few things happening that could lead to negative thoughts if I allowed them.

So hang in there and accept no negative thoughts from others and most importantly, yourself.


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Recent Comments


Excellent insights, Stevoi!

Myra ♥️

I love the graphic!

In spite of the Kraptastic week you've been having, you are still maintaining positivity and encouraging others to be positive, as well. Steve, I am thinking of you and I know things will work out.


Positive self talk is so important! I have to constantly check because I can be negative and I am always looking for what I need to look out for not what I want. That's trauma based and not helpful! Now I am practicing on focusing on what I want to see happen only. I completed a meditation program from Jose Silva years ago and he talked about doing a "mental housekeeping". When you catch yourself saying/thinking negative thoughts then you say "cancel cancel" and then say and picture what you want to see happening, not what you don't want to see, and believe it! It's a way to cancel the negative thinking and get in the habit focusing on what you want to see happen only. It's alway a process for the Irish, haha.

Wow. Great tips and some of these tips are some that I do inconsistently like the mirror I love you technique. One that I will bring back into my life. Great article.

So true, living with negative thoughts can ruin your life! I know as I did after an abusive childhood for many years until I gave them to God.
Barbara Hickman

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