The Wheel of Life

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Life is a wheel, constantly in motion, sometimes lifting you to dizzying heights and at other times, plunging you into the depths of struggle and despair. This cyclical nature of existence can be disorienting, especially when we become too focused on the wheel's current position, allowing it to define our worth and state of mind. But the wheel is only an external circumstance, not a measurement of who you are.

That's where the concept of 'momentum' comes into play. The wheel might slow down or even appear to stop, but it's your actions and choices that fuel the momentum to keep it spinning. The wheel never truly halts; it's merely waiting for your push to continue its unending rotation. Stagnation is an illusion; there's always a way to move forward, even when it seems like you're ensnared in a quagmire of immobility. You create your own momentum through positive actions, resilient thinking, and a proactive approach to problem-solving.

Let's not forget that the wheel’s spin also has its costs. Every action, every choice, has a toll on your emotional or karmic balance. Yet, paying this toll can be an investment in yourself, an energy expenditure that enables you to keep the wheel turning in your favor.

So, the next time you find yourself lamenting the wheel's descent, remember that its position is temporary. Whether you're riding high or sinking low, the wheel will turn again. Your task is to ensure you're ready to give it that nudge, to imbue it with the momentum it needs to bring about the next cycle of your life.

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The wheel of life certainly keeps on turning Katy!

Appreciate the share my friend!

I agree with your assessment, Katy!


Absolutely true, Katy.

My wheel (book) seems to have stalled, but that is because I have stalled, not the wheel (book).


Couldn't agree more, the wheel will always turn again!

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