Who Are You Really?


Hi Everyone

I'm Wriot...but that's just a username. My real name is Gordon. It's hard to find out the "real" name of a person by their username, so I thought it would be helpful if we knew each other's names, especially helpful when replying to someone's comment or question. So go ahead and introduce yourself:) I'll go ahead and get the ball rolling.

As you now know, I'm Gordon. I'm a psychic medium, writer, and internet marketing consultant. I live on the Gold Coast, QLD, Australia. I would describe myself as spiritual in the true sense of the word, and enjoying life and feel grateful for all the things I have.

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We are a couple, Jade and Lovane. Its Jade writing this now but we always sign who wrote it. Best wishes!

Jade and Lovane

Thanks Jade and Lovane...now I know who you are :)

I'm Kim and I state that in my profile or I try to remember if it is a newer member to leave my name...I always leave it when I get a follow...Thanks for the post Gordon!! Your a Wriot!! LOL!

Hi Kim...yes I've seen your name before...thanks for the reminder again. I do have a short memory though lol...yes I've been a wriot for awhile now. A mixture of my love of writing and riot (causing trouble lol)

Lol, too funny. :))

Hey Gordon. My name is Michelle, but you wouldn't know it by the initials in my username. Nice to meet you!

Hi Michelle...your username would be a hard one to work out lol...nice to meet you too...

Hi Gordon,

Gary here wishing you the best with WA.

Hi Gary, I wish you all the best here with WA too, and look forward to hearing from you in the future...

Hi Gordon, My name is John. Chris is my son whom I am doing this for so I can stay at home. It is in one of my blogs. I will answer to Chris also since it is my username.

Hi John...glad to meet you here:)

Hi Gordon, my name is Linda.

Hi Linda:)

Hello again Gordon, my profile is pretty open and that's my real name, well not the 331, Kathy was already taken!

Hi Kathy...again. It's always good to see you here:)

Hi Gordon. I like your thinking, my name is Jason, from my username it is not hard to guess.
Best wishes

Hi Jason, it's good to meet you...

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