The Newbie's Greatest Challenge!

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Hey there you!

What is / was the greatest challenge for you when you first joined WA?
It's probably different for everyone, but this is day 5 for me and I'd like to share my greatest challenge with you so far:

HOW can I FOCUS on my TRAINING when are are just so many LOVELY PEOPLE here to connect with???!!!!!!!!!......... (I'm not joking!)

This is how my training has gone so far:

Day 1: Lesson 1 - Complete! ... HOORAY! ... Now let's meet some people ...

Day 2: Lesson 2: Complete! ... WELL DONE ME! ... Who else can I get to know? ...

Day 3: Lesson 3 : Started ... Ooh every one here is so AMAZING! ... Hello!!! ...

Day 4: Lesson 3: Must get back to this ... wait, I'll just reply to this person first ... Ooh they followed me, I want to follow them back ... I'll just look at their profile first ... Ooh they have a website too! ... Ah wow, what an amazing person! ... Hello!...

Day 5: Exactly as days 3 & 4 so far!

Don't get me wrong: I LOVE connecting with you!

In fact, I am so happy to have found you all that I actually feel quite emotional about it at times! It's a beautiful thing to find a community like this, which genuinely feels like a family. People here are helping each other out left, right and centre. Everyone has different skills, interests and passions, and we're all here to learn and grow and develop ourselves.

I don't regret any of the time I have spent so far in communicating with all you beautiful people and I will continue to actively engage with this amazing community. Sharing our skills, knowledge, interests, challenges and joys with each other is what it's all about. And a big thank you to all the people that have already helped me out personally with various things. You know who you are! I appreciate your help, I really do.

I'm also aware that I'm gonna need to plan some definite time for myself to actually focus on the training and get properly into it, or I won't make the progress I want to make.

How do you balance your time between your own training / business and networking? Do you do both simultaneously or do you carve out specific time-slots for each? What proportion of your time do you spent on each? Are you happy with that proportion?

I imagine these may be useful questions to ask ourselves from time to time, whatever stage of the journey we are on. Focusing on ourselves and focusing on others are both vitally important. Let's get the balance right and make it work.

One thing I've been doing is aiming to follow everyone who follows me (as well as others), take a look at their profile, and introduce myself with a short message. But I just can't keep up!

So I have just begun following people who follow me WITHOUT messaging them. I wish I could message everybody, but I need to get on with the training.

If I have followed you (or even if I haven't yet) and I haven't sent you a hello mesage yet, then please consider this a friendly greeting to YOU personally. I do hope our paths cross at some point on this journey. I value your presence here.

And I wish you the greatest happiness and success with whatever you choose to do.

Your friend,



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This is a common dilemma that everyone faces. You network is going to get too large for you to respond to every email notification. No one expects you to do that, and if by messaging you mean a PM that is way beyond what is expected of you.

You are here to learn and do. That is the basis for this great training. The learning curve is quite steep, especially in the beginning. This should be you #1 priority.

Once you get into the OEC training and get you web site up and running, your priority should become posting content as often as possible.

Indeed you need to get on with the training. And that's what everyone here expects you to do.

Welcome to WA and I wish you success. Just concentrate on your lessons and do your task. We cannot respond to all people here but they'll understand us.

Thanks Jimmy!

Appreciate your support ๐Ÿ˜Š

Stay happy!


Hi Woodsie, looks like you are settling in, it can be such a rush when you first arrive at WA.

The key thing to remember is that we do not have to be all over it from day dot.

I have been here over four years and I am still discovering new stuff on almost a daily basis.

The place is massive.

What makes it so unique is the community that has evolved around the platform.

One of the best things to do is create a routine around your current life and build in this new chapter. Going mobile can be really helpful as is setting aside time to work on the training and probably most importantly implementing and managing what we learn.

If we don't take any action, things remain at the status quo.

We come here looking for new outcomes, it takes work to achieve that.

You will do well.


Yes that's good advice - appreciate it Alex!

Any routine I had has gone since arriving here - I think I'm a bit addicted. There are worse things to be addicted to though!

Just need to keep things balanced I guess.

Thank you for your insightful comment.


There is something fascinating about all new relationships enjoy the moment and work on developing your online presence at the same time, all will be good.

Hey Woodsie... you just described a LOT of people here at WA when they first get started.

I STILL have to be intentional about balancing my time between the community here and working on content for my site.
Oh...and then there is the rest of life.... family, friends, eating, cleaning, personal hygiene. LOL

One little tip that helps me....
When I sit down to either train or work on my site, I turn off all the notifications for all my devices (except for phone calls in case of emergencies).

When I see that email notification from Wealthy Affiliate I am far too tempted to check it out. And then I HAVE to comment or reply. And then i HAVE to read the other responses. And then... "oooooo look at this post! this looks interesting!"

What I use to keep my squirrel brain under control is a schedule. I write down exactly what I plan to do and at what time.

At first I was very rigid with sticking to exact times. For me this was necessary to get into a routine that was more productive. I had to break some old habits; procrastination being one of the worst of them.

Over time, I have learned how to be flexible with the aforementioned schedule and still be productive.

Mark and Mark have made some excellent suggestions as well.

hopefully you find this helpful. keep us updated on your progress and let us know if you come up with any tips for us as well!


Thanks Jeff!

Some more tips for everyone right here at this fab blog: (!) Woodsie

Best wishes in your online career !

Thanks Joy! You too!


Yours is the first post I read this morning. I hope the rest of the day is as good. You have your priorities in order for sure. Use your breaks from training to greet new Premium members and you can even see the live chat screen when doing this. Jump right in if you see something or someone who interests you.

This quells the urge to be more social and keeps you on track with your training. It also helps with your ranking if you are interested in that aspect of WA. Good luck and much success to you.

Making a living, making a difference.

Ah thanks for that Mark! Will certainly give that a go.

Have a fab day!


Hi Woodsie, love your post, so inspiring and full of positive vibes, I can certainly resonate with how you feel, I still feel that way but then I'm still new to all of this - today marks my 10th week here at WA :-)

All the best for your future success. Jules

Hi Jules

Congratulations on 10 weeks! Thanks for your lovely comment and I love your positive vibes too!

Have a great day!


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