Productivity Tips For Beginning Bloggers

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This post was actually inspired by another post I read this morning from Rainbow Woodsie. In her post she wrote about a common dilemma amongst the members here at Wealthy Affiliate, especially newer members.

The community here is awesome! Everyone here is more than eager to share their knowledge and answer questions. The problem Woodsie writes about is finding balance between interacting with the community here at WA and working on her own website.

You check out her post here:

The rest of this post is a cut-and-paste of my response to her post. (plus a little more) ;)

It seems to be a common topic that surfaces often. So I thought I’d share two of my tips for anyone else that might be struggling in this area.

I know there are other ideas besides mine, so please sound off in the comment section.

An Ongoing Process

Honestly, I STILL have to be intentional about balancing my time between the community here and working on content for my site.

Oh...and then there is the rest of life.... family, friends, eating, cleaning, personal hygiene. LOL

So here are just a couple of things that I do to keep on track.

Turn OFF the notifications

When I sit down to either train or work on my site, I turn off all the notifications for all my devices (except for phone calls in case of emergencies).

When I see that email notification from Wealthy Affiliate I am far too tempted to check it out. And then I HAVE to comment or reply. And then I HAVE to read the other responses. And then... "oooooo look at this post! this looks interesting!"

If it is out of sight, it is out of mind. Save those notifications for later.

A Daily Schedule

Another method I use to mitigate what I call “squirrel syndrome” is a schedule. I write down exactly what I plan to do and at what time.

Not only do I do this for my online business, but I also include my non-business activities as well. (ie: working out, grocery shopping, kids’ activities, etc)

At first I was very rigid with sticking to exact times. For me this was necessary to get into a routine that was more productive. I had to break some old habits; procrastination being one of the worst of them.

Over time, I have learned how to be flexible with the aforementioned schedule and still be productive.

To keep the squirrels at bay, schedule your day. ;)

That’s a Wrap!

Those are just a couple ideas that I have for finding balance.

I would love to hear everyone else’s tips or ideas on finding balance between your online business and your involvement with the community here.

Also, how do you balance that with all the other aspects of your life?

Let us all know!

Until next time… always be helping others.



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Recent Comments


I recently started working with a schedule, glad I did. Thanks for the post!

Thank you Dave!

Hey Jeff, I thought I had already read this post, but evidently I hadn't. The scheduling of my time is a good ides, but I find this hard to do because of my morning routine. I have a quiet time of prayer and Bible reading of the morning. I try to do this daily first thing or my day just doesn't go right. My time of doing this is unpredictable because I have no set scheduled time to be finished with this. It may be an hour or as much as three, just however the Spirit moves me. Any suggestions?


Good Day to You, My name is Ramone the way to solve your problem is to get a note book and write what you have planned to do during the day and for the week also, make sure you stick to it theses things should lead up to your ultimate goals if you stick to what you write down!

Thanks Ramone, so you are not saying like a specific time to do a task, but more of a list of what you want to accomplish for the day or week?


Charlotte... you go girl! Don’t keep the Holy Spirit in a box! Take as much time as you need for that.

I would say if you’re going to use a schedule, just go ahead and block off 3 hours for quiet time. That way you don’t feel pressured to hurry.

If you only need, for example, 2 hrs, then bam! you have a free hour for whatever task is next.

At first, over-estimate how long things will take. It’s something I’m constantly tweaking.

Thank you for sharing!

Thanks Jeff for your suggestion. I feel like you do, I can't short change the Lord, not after everything He does for me.


“Courage, Consistency, Commitment when added together, equals success.” Tom Short.

“Focus, Patience, Persistence, when added together, Wins The Race of life.” Tom Short.

“Evaluate, Investigate, Stimulate, Create, Activate. Now Your Life will be Great.” Tom Short.

Thanks for your time,


Love all those quotes Tom. Its even better that they are yours!

Thank you for sharing!


Oh my gosh! I've always known about my monkey mind but now there's SQUIRRELS as well???!!! No wonder we get distracted!

I love your suggestions Jeff, and although I will feel a little sad doing it, I'm definitely gonna turn notifications OFF when needing to focus on other tasks. I know it will help.

Having a schedule is a great idea too. I plan some days with the utmost precision and some days nothing gets written in the planner at all! It's a work-in-progress.

Now, where did that squirrel get to?...


Being from Kansas in the U.S., we have flying monkeys!
(gratuitous Wizard of Oz reference) LOL.

Notifications are the toughest for me... an ever-present work-in-progress...


Ooh, where?!!!


Turn off the notifications
And have a tight schedule...
And make sure to add some fun tile and relax

oh yes Fleeky.... Fun is always on the schedule!
I should have mentioned that as well. Thanks for the reminder!


Thanks, Jeff, for the tips.
All the best and cheers.

Thank you KL!

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