8 Cool Niches for 2017 and Beyond With Research


I realize how hard it can be to come up with niche ideas as a beginner, but the more you immerse yourself within the field of online marketing the more you'll realize that niches are everywhere and seemingly endless.

Before I begin, let me give a shout to Steve (IveTriedThat) and his training from last year:


He covers some amazing niches and it's worth checking out. Like Steve, I have also used Google Trends and Jaaxy to uncover popularity and keywords within each of these niche ideas discussed below.

Keep in mind these findings only scratch the surface of products and keywords of each niche - there are LOTS more to be found within each! Feel free to use any of these, but do some of your own research before you begin!

Smart Home Devices and Accessories

This technology is still in its infancy, but it's definitely a hot niche for the years ahead. The further they develop and advance these products the more popular they will become. (There's a lot of $$ to be made within this niche)

Amazon's Echo has been out for awhile and Google recently launched the Google Home late last year. Don't forget all the smart accessories that go along with these like Hue Lights and Nest (and many more).

If you don't know what these are you should look them up.. they are really awesome! I have a Google Home and it's great.

Keywords specifically for the Amazon Echo, but there are tons more products and accessories and additional keywords to find.


This is a more recent hair coloring trend that is considered the "new obre" and seems to be increasingly popular each coming year. If you're not a girl or into hair, you probably have no idea what that even means... but if hair is your thing this may be a cool niche to look into!

It may be a tad specific, but you could consider including the trend into a larger hair coloring niche site if you were looking for a broader and more sustainable niche.

Rock n' Play/Infant Sleepers and Seats

The baby product niche is HUGE as people are always having babies! Rock n' Plays are the new thing that are very popular for newborns. There's also tons of other infant sleepers and seats (like swings, bouncers, etc) you could incorporate into the niche as well.

Another really popular product within this niche is called the Mamaroo - a $250 fancy baby seat!

Baby products like these are things people will buy even during times of recession as many mothers consider them a priority. This is a niche that will definitely not go away!

Again, just a basic sampling of keyword options.

Robotic Vacuums

These are the little vacuums that roam around your house freely like the Roomba and I-Robot (there are also many other brands). They have been out for awhile now but seem to be getting more and more popular.

They are also quite expensive (some trend upwards of $700) so it's a good physical product choice for higher commissions.

Chalk Paint

Chalk Paint is used for painting furniture to give it an aged, distressed appearance. It's actually a trademarked name brand (like Kleenex or Qtips) but is still used as a general term for the type of paint. It can also be made at home using basic latex paint.

It's currently very trendy (probably because of Pinterest) but if you are into crafty DIY type projects it may be a fun niche to get into for the year ahead.

LED Lighting

More and more people are switching to LED lights as they are more energy efficient and can last a really long time. They are quite pricey and there's a lot of different types of lights and products to promote within the niche.

Baby Carriers, Wraps and Slings

Okay so here's another baby product niche... it's been slowly increasing in popularity over the past 5 years as more and more people are opting for wearable baby carriers in addition to (or instead) of strollers.

People are willing to spend a lot of money on these as many are within the $100-$200 range.

The keywords here are specifically for the Moby Wrap, only one of many types of infant carriers.

Himalayan Salt Lamps

This is one of those products that is suddenly all the rage. The salt is supposed to eliminate impurities from the air and whatnot... I don't know if it's true but they sure look really cool. I went to try and find one after Christmas and they were all sold out at every store AND online!

From the trends graph you can tell it's one of those very seasonal products (peaking in Nov/Dec). It would be a cool little niche to get involved with now and have it take off by the time the next holiday shopping season rolls around.

Keep in mind the shots from Jaaxy only show a VERY LIMITED selection of the keywords that are possible within each of these niches. There are tons of keywords you can dig up within any of these niches to use to write articles and drive more traffic to the site.

Again, feel free to use any of these but I'd recommend choosing something of interest and also to do a bit more research before you get started!

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Recent Comments


This is a great guide and will be a good starting point for many people on here. It's definitely sparked a few ideas in my head. Thanks for sharing!!


Will you focus on reviewing these products or writing content for these products? ~ t

I imagine you could do either (or both). You can write both product reviews and additional helpful articles on things relating to the niche.

Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas, Wendy.

No problem Judy!

Nice job Wendy. I would say that niche selection is a very high priororty to focus on . After learning the basics taught here at WA , a lot of time , in my opinion, should be given to selecting a niche that you enjoy, but also can make money with, and provides benefits for your visitors.

Google trends is an excllent tool. and going with positive demographics, evergreen niches, etc., is another good way to look at it as well.

Folks too can learn about certain products and niches as well. Not all choices are totally dependent on you being an expert, or for that matter having a passion for what you are promoting. Many members here have done very well learning as they went, as surprising as that sounds.

Thanks Wendy !

Exactly Vince! Yeah, I think a lot of people get thrown off when they hear the term "expert" and start to panic. Nobody starts off an expert!

Wonderful work done there. Thanks for sharing and giving people the opportunity to frrely tap into them. God bless your heart.

Hi Wendy and thanks for these great ideas.
Just one question - would all these (and similar) products) ideally be sold on your own e-commerce site or as affiliate products?

Hi Terry, these are products I am recommending for affiliate marketing.

Thanks Wendy - I thought this would be the casse but just checking.

Great content

Thank you for sharing.

Are these niche regional dependent or universal? Thanks for your take.

They are universal I'd say. Although some may be way more popular in certain areas, your website can reach the world.

Interesting ideas Wendy. Thank you!

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