Smile awhile!

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Smile awhile! Life is too short to be down.

A few years ago, I learned that it takes 4 more muscles to frown than to smile. Stop working so hard. SMILE! It's less work and more fun.

Try this exercise (it works!): Just start smiling at people. Don't say anything. Just smile. As you continue, watch, they will smile back. They may not be sure why, but they will.

A smile planted gets an instant return. And it's fun watching people respond. For some it might be the first time today or in a long time, but you just brightened their day. That makes any day better.

This keeps me in my brand - Faith and Fun gets it done! Making folks happy or happier while being encouraging and building faith (believing, trust and positivity), is one of my main goals in life.

There is too much sadness and pain in this old world.

Here at WA we have opportunity to bring hope or add to the discouragement abounding around us. I prefer the first.

When you are facing trouble or difficult times, an encouraging word is sometimes all it takes to help you overcome.

SOOO, let me help. (GRIN!) Try it. You'll feel better. A smile lightens the load and the day.

Having a tough day? Grin and you'll win!

Have a great day - in spite of your circumstances.


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Recent Comments


nothing like putting a smile on your dial! thanks Warren.

Such an inspiring message all around, Warren.


A very true and important message, Warren!


Yes, Warren! The secret of a youthful look is to keep smiling!๐Ÿ˜Š

Maria ๐ŸŒน

I totally agree, Warren! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

Pluck those strings and sing, Frank!

Haha, I don't sing, Warren, which is why I play instrumental pieces. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŽธ

Just keep making music, man!

Smile, and the whole world smiles with you, cry, and you cry alone. Appreciate the sharing here; thanks!

Thanks, Abie. This is the truth!

You're welcome, Warren!

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