Good afternoon! I am trying to change the profile picture in my email on WA. I have looked through the settings within the email but I have not found the right spot to change i
Change profile picture in wa email?
Good afternoon! I am trying to change the profile picture in my email on WA. I have looked through the settings within the email but I have not found the right spot to change i
Inside webmail you mean? I also cannot see.
You are better off with forwarding, you can then upload image and filters vs the webmail.
Thanks for your tip! Yea it's weird how it's not there. I have my image for a personal email which I was able to upload but not this other email I made for general inquiries for some reason.
I will also message support to see what they say, looks like we will be discovering this together!
- Rowan
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It's been quite tricky trying to figure out the qwerks with wordpress and woocommerce - I am trying to add products to my homepage & make product categories + sections.
Hi may be you want to head for Jay's live webinars Mastering WooCommerce To view all
can you use siteorigin css ot identify and alter the size of the headings or even turn them off
good luck
so a question - just to see what has changed in woo i added it to a test site ...and to see if siteorigin css plugin would be able to edit the can...
i installed woo on astra theme
click on the shop
its a test site
and then you are able tp order a product - not set up a payment provider yet but you can add to basket...
what is your url
you could add this to your additiional css under appearance - customize and see if it does anything - alter the size if it is the one yoyu want rid of
.woocommerce div.product .product_title {
font-size: 23px;
whats your url - see below i had few problems adding woo and getting products to cart
what theme are you using
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Woocommerce product title & home page editing tutorials?
It's been quite tricky trying to figure out the qwerks with wordpress and woocommerce - I am trying to add products to my homepage & make product categories + sections.
Hi may be you want to head for Jay's live webinars Mastering WooCommerce To view all
can you use siteorigin css ot identify and alter the size of the headings or even turn them off
good luck
so a question - just to see what has changed in woo i added it to a test site ...and to see if siteorigin css plugin would be able to edit the can...
i installed woo on astra theme
click on the shop
its a test site
and then you are able tp order a product - not set up a payment provider yet but you can add to basket...
what is your url
you could add this to your additiional css under appearance - customize and see if it does anything - alter the size if it is the one yoyu want rid of
.woocommerce div.product .product_title {
font-size: 23px;
whats your url - see below i had few problems adding woo and getting products to cart
what theme are you using
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Hi everyone! I’ve noticed over time that sometimes I get comments but they look like ads lady in the form of a comment... upon further research I discover that this is to
Go to Settings > Discussion and take the tick out of the box which allows pingbacks and trackbacks. WordPress Settings
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Hi everyone! I’ve noticed over time that sometimes I get comments but they look like ads lady in the form of a comment... upon further research I discover that this is to
Go to Settings > Discussion and take the tick out of the box which allows pingbacks and trackbacks. WordPress Settings
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Hi everyone! How can i make the spacing closer together and remove all of the white in this large box on my homepage?
Add your Affiliate Disclosure, Privacy Policy, and Contact pages to your About drop down in your menu to try to get the entire menu into one line. Menu With Custom Links and Drop Down Non-Clickable Headings
Thank you Marion it worked perfectly! However I will be adding more drop down menus at some point so ho could I fix the enormous spacing? Is it a template issue maybe?
Yeah, it's most likely your theme. Try GeneratePress, it works for me, my search icon is on the second row of the menu.
No, you need to change your theme to change the way your website looks. You'll still keep all your content but it will be arranged differently and you'll need to redo your menus.
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How to change links & tabs appearance?
Hi everyone! How can i make the spacing closer together and remove all of the white in this large box on my homepage?
Add your Affiliate Disclosure, Privacy Policy, and Contact pages to your About drop down in your menu to try to get the entire menu into one line. Menu With Custom Links and Drop Down Non-Clickable Headings
Thank you Marion it worked perfectly! However I will be adding more drop down menus at some point so ho could I fix the enormous spacing? Is it a template issue maybe?
Yeah, it's most likely your theme. Try GeneratePress, it works for me, my search icon is on the second row of the menu.
No, you need to change your theme to change the way your website looks. You'll still keep all your content but it will be arranged differently and you'll need to redo your menus.
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Inside webmail you mean? I also cannot see.
You are better off with forwarding, you can then upload image and filters vs the webmail.
Thanks for your tip! Yea it's weird how it's not there. I have my image for a personal email which I was able to upload but not this other email I made for general inquiries for some reason.
I will also message support to see what they say, looks like we will be discovering this together!
- Rowan