Promotional Images for Jaaxy


Jaaxy Logo

The following logos provided are in PNG24 transparent format. This means they can go on any colored background:

For Light Backgrounds

Size: 300 x 98 pixels
Click Here to Download

Size: 1600 x 520 pixels
Click Here to Download

For Dark Backgrounds

Size: 300 x 98 pixels
Click Here to Download

Size: 1600 x 520 pixels
Click Here to Download

* Please use the Jaaxy logo in a positive respectful manner.

Jaaxy Screenshots

These are various screenshots taken from the perspective of a photographed screen.

Jaaxy Keyword Search Screenshot

Click Here to Download

Jaaxy Competition Screenshot

Click Here to Download

Jaaxy Website SERPS Screenshot

Click Here to Download

Jaaxy Brainstorm Screenshot

Click Here to Download

Jaaxy Laptop Screenshot

Click Here to Download

Jaaxy Banner Ads

125 x 125 pixels

Click Here to Download

200 x 200 pixels

Click Here to Download

250 x 250 pixels

Click Here to Download

300 x 250 pixels

Click Here to Download

160 x 600 pixels

Click Here to Download

728 x 90 pixels

Click Here to Download

Need a Jaaxy Affiliate Resource?

If there is anything you need to help you promote Jaaxy, please feel free to let me know by submitting your request via comment below! :)

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Recent Comments


Jay, thanks a lot!

Can I recommend that you add these to the Affiliate section of the Jaaxy site? Ok I will recommend this.

LOL, thanks. Yeah, we are actually going to be building some affiliate training for Jaaxy here at WA...and we are going to be amping up the promo materials as well. ;) Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for the banners Jay.

Sounds awesome!

We have a big promotion coming for Jaaxy in just over a weeks time that all Jaaxy affiliates are going to be able to cash in on! :) I will be updating everyone early this week! :)

Kyle, I'm curious to know how the bonuses will be provided to the users.

#1 and #2 are videos. Can I assume this will be available to all at Jaaxy with a current membership?( not just those who sign up for the current promotion.)
The Hangouts will be scheduled for multiple times or are they once weekly or only one time thing. One time and recorded?

#3 Looks like a really nice bonus. Are current affiliates going to be provided this early so that we can see what it is to use for our promotions? I assume this is also available to current affiliates and not just the new subscribers?

Yes, all these bonuses are going to be available to existing Jaaxy members, so if you are a member now or you join before the week, you are going to get these bonuses. Basically you just have to be a member before the 27th of July and you will get these bonuses...

Hi Jay, thank you for the images. I would like to add them to my website but how do I do this without html code? I tried to find information on this but I am still confused.

Click the download link which takes you to the full size image. Then Right Click, Save Image As. Save it to your desktop. Then upload it to your website and then add your link to the image.

Hope this helps.

Hello Kyle thank you so much for the instructions for the Jaaxy banner. This sounds simple enough so I will attempt it :)

Thanks for the images Jay. :)

Thanks Jay

QUALITY fantastic Jay cheers ... I'm adding a quick note to my to-do list ;)

These are great Jay, thanks for adding!

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