WA's Black Friday offer + these 2 tips equals your success in 2020 and beyond.


Hi everyone, with all the craziness of 2020 looming over our heads, I was really surprised when WA announced an extension to their black friday offer which many of you may or may not know wasn't really supposed to happen.

I wanted to share my 2 cents about this offer, but also throw in something that I know will help everyone who reads this post really get the most out of it, WA in general and their success.

But I just quickly want to review what happened before I do that:

After the Black Friday event in 2019, everyone who knew about it, also knew that this was going to be the last Black Friday event of it's kind where people could get a yearly membership in WA for only $299 and be grandfathered into this membership moving forward.

But then 2020 hit, the pandemic struck and countless people were negatively affected. And I hope if you're reading this that you're safe, your loved ones are safe and that you're all keeping healthy.

I am positive that day by day this will improve. People keep saying that this is the new normal and honestly, I disagree.

The only kind of "new normal" I am for is a BETTER normal than before where every part of our lives is better, whether it be related to health, wealth or other personal stuff.

A personal tale I want to share with you:

Throughout my many years in WA, despite having access to the same exact training you do, the first 5 or so years I was here, I was not really focused on the main training and while I had some incredible results, I also had incredible failures.

I had numerous times when I was making six figure earnings (thanks to the stuff I learned here), but personal mistakes that made me lazy, foolish, and inconsistent took all those success periods and flushed them down the toilet.

It was after I experienced this over and over that I realized this couldn't be the norm and I had to make something work that was consistent, long term and reliable.

So I sat down, did the main training (it began in 2013) and today I sit here on a nest that Wealthy Affiliate helped me create. And by the main training, I am talking about the Online Certification and Bootcamp courses.

And I am still growing it.

The 2 tips to success in WA that'll work for everyone:

One of the most common questions people in WA and outside of ask me about is what I recommend they do to get that perfect start and see long term success in this world and I always have the same answer:

1) Find your niche that you're absolutely passionate about.

Then it'll be so much easier to build your business because you'll have PASSION and DRIVE to build it.

I have a personal guide I wrote on this in WA and it's helped MANY people do this right. If you haven't already checked it out, here it is:


2) Do the main training (OEC or bootcamp).

It is designed to help you channel that niche passion into reality and make your nest out of it.



ALL of my time in the internet marketing world and all the experiences I have had in it have shown me that these 2 tips are the best way to go for 99.9% of people.

If I could go back in time and slap myself in the face for not listening to this advice, I would, but turning the clock back isn't possible here, but making amends, changing routes and headed in the right direction is possible.

And this is where I want to talk about the WA Black Friday offer and why I'm highly recommending it:

People very often want to rush the process of success and trust me, I'm well aware of this temptation, but you need to give this process time and I tell people to invest a year into it.

I'm not saying that's how long it'll take to see results, but the better you're invested into getting results (and I'm not talking financially, but in spirit), the better you'll do, especially with those 2 tips I just gave you, the better your results will be.

And considering how much value Wealthy Affiliate provides to it's members, the $299 offer they currently have is crazy good. The hosting, the value, the websites, the training and all the other things they consistently add and pass onto their members is just unbelievable:


The longer I am in WA and the more experience I get, the more I realize how fortunate I am to be here and how great of a job Kyle and Carson did and continue to do to constantly keep giving their members so much value.

I explore many programs like this one and while very few are good, not even the good ones come close to what is offered here. While that's my aneqdotal experience, I've still got a lot of it.

If you are having doubts about where WA can lead you, I can tell you that it can lead you to great results if you follow the training and use those 2 tips I gave you.

And that sale that they have right now is really an amazing deal that I highly recommend.

  1. Being on that right path with a niche you love.
  2. Doing that training that makes your passion a business that earns you.
  3. Mixing it all together with Wealthy Affiliate's value.

It all equals to your success.

There's other big improvements coming to WA in 2020 that are going to really amaze people. But in the meantime, this Black Friday deal is itself amazing and I highly recommend it.

I hope you all are doing well and have a wonderful 2020!

P.S. I will be posting blogs here more often (I don't do it enough). To your success!

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Recent Comments


Thanks for reminding us of the value we have here.
Like many affiliate marketers, I`ve done my rounds with the shiny objects, most of them overpriced but in the end WA is the best there is.
And as you said, it`s a matter of sticking with it after you find your passion.I think most people fail because they are in such a hurry to make money.
Thanks, Vitality.

This was very powerful and made me realize even the more how thankful I am to taking the $299 deal.

We have all the tools needed to succeed online and now all we have to do is have patience and implement what is being taught by this platform.

Thanks for sharing.

Great advice as always Vitaliy. The Black Friday Deal is the best way to go. It takes away the regular monthly fee (you sometimes have to find) and just lets you focus on the business itself.

You are absolutely right in the fact you will never find a platform like this. Nothing comes close for the price and value. Nothing comes close to the guys who run it here - you will never get participation from the owners to the degree you get here - it just doesn't happen.

I love how you say about making "life" a BETTER normal because I am someone who has probably looked it at and said, "this is just the new norm." And that it isn't that much fun etc.

Who we are and what we have is because of what we choose to create. And to be better is simply a choice, so thanks for mentioning that.

Great to see you posting back here, I always learn from those who have travelled the path I want to go down.

Cheers, Sharon

Great to hear from you Sharon! Thanks for adding your comment here, hope you're doing well!

Thanks so much for this great post. I just joined Premium yesterday and am so grateful for the Balck Friday pricing. I tried to get it on Black Friday, but something happened and I could not find it for some reason.

I'm so happy to be in now, and I'm working on the Bootcamp first, and then the OEC. I'm so energized and excited!

Thank you!

Hey Vitality,

Thank you very much for this post.

I took the Black Friday offer some years ago and no regrets at all. Even though I live in Canada and the loonie is well... its just say it's pretty loonie low. Not worth much at all to the USD.

The thing is, Wealthy Affiliate offers a ton of value that even though when converted to CDN $ it's still well worth it.

Thanks so much for your tips, even though I've been here since 2015... I have "fallen" sort of off the bandwagon but I've climbed back on and actually re-doing my training ... skipped my social media thing I don't like but it's part of the training so I'm picking it up.

I'm read lots of amazing successes by Wealthy Affiliate members and they give the same tips which say a lot.

I look forward to reading more blogs/tips/tutorials from you.


Thanks Monica!

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