Strategies to Improve Your Pinterest Account's Performance


The strategy is quite simple: You are basically just looking at which pins are showing a better performance over a 30+ day period and replicating more of those moving forward. This data can easily be found in the account overview area of your Pinterest account.

Making more pins with more engagement, saves and link clicks can lead to your website getting more traffic, success and sales. When you also create mass pins in Pinterest, you will often find that some less pretty looking ones may also start to pick up consistent clicks/saves.

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Do you have a separate Pinterest account for each of your websites? Or do you create all your boards on all different niches within one Pinterest account?

One Pinterest account for each niche. I have about 2 niche websites for the mmo niche and 1 Pinterest account for it.

Me too. I have two large websites and I have a separate Pinterest account for each. Would be so much easier if we could do it all under one account lol

Well you technically can but the pins will be all over the place for the topics. I think having a specified Pinterest account for 1 type of niche looks better

Thank you for sharing. I wasn't sure how to check those things as I just recently started using Pinterest again. So thanks!



Thanks for sharing this. I am going to work on it.

so how do we relate the pin to our website? people may visit and click on the pin to look the picture
best regards
Chee Shi

Within the Pin description, you are offering your audience your link and people can click-through that to get to your website. )

Pin clicks and saves; I got it, Vitaliy! Thank you - profound short as always :)

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