How to Use Authenticity to Grow Your Online Success


Authenticity is often a big missing piece in people's online businesses. Too often we try to mimic what we see online and most of the sources out there (at least in my experience) are simply not following that. Thus we repeat the same script, neglecting that our own authenticity can be a big missing piece in our success.

In this short vlog I want to cover that topic and give you tips on how to utilize it correctly when you're building your online business.

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If there is no authenticity, one may feel "success" for a short time. But it will not be a real success. Customers understand what scam is. Authenticity brings real success now as well as in a long run. Because the business owner creates trust when he/she never lies to customers to generate income.

100%. Well said Ali!

I think authenticity is easy to do. But it wasn't always that way. Sometimes we think too much about what or how we are going to say something and then we stumble over our words which makes us we really don't know what we are talking about.

You are right about the scripted videos, too. They are mostly repelling! I don't want to listen to them nor do I want to buy anything from them.

As we practice doing videos I think we become much more comfortable and can more easily talk to people in a conversational and authentic way. Practice!


Yes I agree Karin :)

I don’t know if being honest with your audience is the same as being authentic. But I try and give true-life examples. My niche is about packing your suitcase, how and what to put in it. On my last trip to Japan me and my wife spent into the early hours of the morning packing our three suitcases. It left us with two hours sleep before the taxi took us to the airport. If I was packing the suitcases now it would be a lot quicker. And, I’m telling my audience how to achieve that. Your video tells it how it is, and I’m looking to improve on my authenticity - thanks to your tips.

There is a massive crossover between honesty and authenticity and I would argue they are very much alike Tony but I understand what you mean based on that example. I think of transparency for the most part and the rest takes care of itself here.

I have to admit that I have written some pretty cheesy stuff so far, but believe I am improving on that. I can't change the past but I can be more authentic in the future, starting today.

We are all guilty of that Dave, no worries there!

Good morning everyone here? Remember the future is our working tool.Daverh.
When we have and look at it you are sure change

Great message!

Thank you!

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