Funnels Explained For Beginners


Funnels is a common buzz word used in the online marketing world and it's simply a step by step sequence you use to get people to find your page/video, to the point that they buy something from that page/video (or sign up to your email list).

Basic funnels can be 3 parts but more complex/layered ones can have more steps and this video showcases a few examples. You can be very successful with funnels that don't have a lot of layers as well.

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Thank you so much for explaining funnels! I’ve seen several videos of people trying to sell others on affiliate marketing mention using “funnels” but they never explain what they are exactly. I’m sure there’s a lot more to learn about funnels but your quick explanation is a great introduction on the topic.

Thanks for sharing Vitaliy!


No problem!

Yes it makes sense Vitaliy.
Good to make this clear definition :-)

Happy to help Chris!

Great video Vitaliy! I agree w Abie that funnels should be simple. As a consumer, if I am interested in a product, I don’t want to go through too many layers to purchase. IMO of course….😎

Sometimes it takes time to build trust and certainly to sell expensive items, so in those regards it's better to focus on a more complex/longer funnel, but at the same time keeping each step simple. But for the most part, simple/short funnels work best for most people, including me :)

That does make sense about the high ticket items. Great job as always man, I look forward to watching your videos as they come out and always learn somethIng new.

Another great short video! Thanks VitaliyG 😁

No problem!

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