About vangiemc
Rank 32555
345 followers Joined January 2017
I'm a baby boomer looking to enter my next chapter of life. My family is grown and grandchildren are on the way and I





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

1.Can I use WA web making tools to design sites for customers as a paying business for myself?
2.If so, would the sites beable to be hosted thru my WA account?
3. My husb

Move over your husband's site to WA. It is possible, and there are tutorials here on how to exactly do that. Don't worry about the speed, as ours is always better than other hosts out there.

And with regard to doing websites for non-members of WA? Yes, you can. We are provided with 25 premium sites here (can be hosted in a chosen domain), if you've already used one, then you still have 24 for your clients. You manage the sites for them, for a fee.

Can I build and host websites for other people via wa?

Can I build and host websites for other people via wa?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

1.Can I use WA web making tools to design sites for customers as a paying business for myself?
2.If so, would the sites beable to be hosted thru my WA account?
3. My husb

Move over your husband's site to WA. It is possible, and there are tutorials here on how to exactly do that. Don't worry about the speed, as ours is always better than other hosts out there.

And with regard to doing websites for non-members of WA? Yes, you can. We are provided with 25 premium sites here (can be hosted in a chosen domain), if you've already used one, then you still have 24 for your clients. You manage the sites for them, for a fee.

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I want to add a booking calendar and cart but I don’t know where to search plug ins and do I just add them to the page I’m editing?

When you go to your dashboard > plugins > add new> type a keyword> search

Open a test website to test them

Oh! Thanks for the advice to try on test site!

In your WordPress dashboard hover over Plugins and click Add New. Enter the type of plugin you're looking for into the search box and a few suggestions will show up.

You can google the type of plugin you are looking for or go into the plugins area of WordPress and search there as well with keywords.

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How do I find plugs ins?

How do I find plugs ins?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I want to add a booking calendar and cart but I don’t know where to search plug ins and do I just add them to the page I’m editing?

When you go to your dashboard > plugins > add new> type a keyword> search

Open a test website to test them

Oh! Thanks for the advice to try on test site!

In your WordPress dashboard hover over Plugins and click Add New. Enter the type of plugin you're looking for into the search box and a few suggestions will show up.

You can google the type of plugin you are looking for or go into the plugins area of WordPress and search there as well with keywords.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Ive gone on my Facebook page and only see facebook.com in the browser address.

Click on your name on top, and the URL will adapt into your URL

And ... if you're more visual, here's a post detailing how to find your Facebook URL: https://knowledgebase.constantcontact.com/guides/KnowledgeBase/6069-find-the-url-for-a-facebook-profile-or-business-page

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How do I find my facebook url?

How do I find my facebook url?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Ive gone on my Facebook page and only see facebook.com in the browser address.

Click on your name on top, and the URL will adapt into your URL

And ... if you're more visual, here's a post detailing how to find your Facebook URL: https://knowledgebase.constantcontact.com/guides/KnowledgeBase/6069-find-the-url-for-a-facebook-profile-or-business-page

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