Torn between establishing another site or combining


I have a construction business which I created a site for. I revamped it on joining WA. I do property renovations, also known as remodeling or rehabilitation, for clients. I cover from floor to ceiling being tiles, kitchen cupboards, bathrooms and ceilings. I have a network of professionals and subcontractors I use for this. This is step 1 of 4 in my 15 year plan to become a property developer.

On the side I have managed to bring a group of my peers to form a property investment club where we bring our funds together on a monthly basis in order to jointly buy properties for rental. We should be able to buy one property per year. This will build a foundation for funding property development by the time I reach stage 4 of my vision.

These properties will need some renovation at one point or the other, including on purchase to improve the value, ongoing maintenance during the tenant occupancy or when we decide to change the setup for various objectives.

I have some ambitious thoughts about the online offerings concerning this group initiative include a membership function for current members and a future offering of client members for some products I have in mind including affiliate marketing.

Now I would like to post some blogs concerning this new initiative. So I am wondering whether I should do this on my construction site or establish a new site for this niche. I am inclined to separate the two as separate niches but I also do want to spread myself too thin. I already have another site promoting WA on top of having a full time job in IT.

Would appreciate some thoughts for or against or even a third alternative. Thank you friends.

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Thank you all for your valuable feedback. It is very much appreciated. I have decide to take a two phase approach.

Firstly I will include the posts on the same website and create separate pages and also use menus to split the subject matters.

After a while as we progress I will decide possibly on a sub-domain approach or separate website once I have setup a process to regularly update it. I will make it a club responsibility to maintain the site to alleviate pressure on me. Then I will launch the new site announcing the separation.

I have already posted the first article on the website so we are in business friends.

Thank you once again.

That sounds like a very logical approach.

Thanks for sharing, Tyrell.

Hello, Tyrell. As David, Lazyblogger, has said, you can combine those two with each other, but you have to create some pages for it and two blog pages, one for the construction business and the other for the real estate business. You have already five websites so maybe it will become too much for you.

I would create a separate page and make posts on that page just as we have a review page on different products. That will boost your existing site and faster ranking on your new venture. that is what I will do, cause both businesses would be relevant to each other. Just saying.

In the end it's the customers targeted that will weigh in on a general site that encompasses everything and has a message fuzzed by different concerns or addressing two sites or subdomains which promises crisper targeting. I would go with the latter!

I think that the 2 sites is the way to go. Plus the way site. Just caution about too thin as you say. Wish you much success.

I like the idea of a second site. I have three sites and for me that's a reasonable number. I don't know that I want more than three due to time constraints. Please let us know what you decide.

I will definitely let you know. I am 90% inclined on combining them for now since they are closes related. People looking of property investment would also be interested in doing renovations so the synergy is very close.

That is an interesting question. I just looked at your website. It is really nice and inspires confidence. It looks genuine and friendly!

I can imagine you including this new venture in the existing site. I can also imagine you would like to keep them separate in some ways.

Could you combine them for now to avoid the need to start a whole new site and then later create a separate site? Do you have much help for the websites? You seem very busy already so I imagine time is one of your top concerns.

I am sure you will do well whichever way you go!

Thanks Jessica for taking the time to review. I do have some help on the affiliate marketing site where I get some articles written or reviewed for a few. I haven't sought help on the construction one. I guess it is one way to alleviate the challenge, by getting some help.

My honest opinion? Work on the one website and build it up first before you start another .

Regards Richard

Thanks Richard. I am quite inclined towards that. What I am wondering is if it would be wise to cover both initiatives on the same site.

Read this and let me know if this helped a bit

Awesome idea to utilise a subdomain under the umbrella of the main one. I guess I should explore it more to determine the ranking considerations of there separation. Great idea indeed as it keeps them tied together by the main domain but separated by the subdomain. Will share my findings

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