About Twillmon34
Rank 289263
885 followers Joined September 2016
I am a social worker, basketball coach, and getting my MBA in business in February. I am looking to do online business and to





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

How can I go from 733 to 12,495 overnight, can someone please give me some feedback.

I had similar frustrations. Hang in there and as someone siad, time to focus on your training and finding your niche.


My ranking went up, but I have not yet finished the training and have not contributed with any posts so I totally understand. Hang in there and as we help others, I am sure our ranking will go up.

I do not know this makes me loose trust with WA we are not playing games here

I understand what you say.

I would like to know too :)

What ranking is your.

It changes daily.

Hang in there. My ranking went down as well. Things will work out

Yes I know we will get threw.

Check this as well: I guess it's temporary.

I did what do it supposed to be.

My guess is that there may be a temporary glitch as I know that they are working on the ranking algorithms behind the scenes.

This has happened on occasion in the past.

Either way, ranking 700 or ranking 700000 doesn't make a difference when it comes to the progression of your website and business.

You are so right!!!!

The new ranking algorithm came into play today, which focuses more on rewarding those who are actually helping other members.

There has also been some glitches with the rollout, which are being addressed.

Carson will no doubt blog about it all later today. :)

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How can I lose my ranking?

How can I lose my ranking?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

How can I go from 733 to 12,495 overnight, can someone please give me some feedback.

I had similar frustrations. Hang in there and as someone siad, time to focus on your training and finding your niche.


My ranking went up, but I have not yet finished the training and have not contributed with any posts so I totally understand. Hang in there and as we help others, I am sure our ranking will go up.

I do not know this makes me loose trust with WA we are not playing games here

I understand what you say.

I would like to know too :)

What ranking is your.

It changes daily.

Hang in there. My ranking went down as well. Things will work out

Yes I know we will get threw.

Check this as well: I guess it's temporary.

I did what do it supposed to be.

My guess is that there may be a temporary glitch as I know that they are working on the ranking algorithms behind the scenes.

This has happened on occasion in the past.

Either way, ranking 700 or ranking 700000 doesn't make a difference when it comes to the progression of your website and business.

You are so right!!!!

The new ranking algorithm came into play today, which focuses more on rewarding those who are actually helping other members.

There has also been some glitches with the rollout, which are being addressed.

Carson will no doubt blog about it all later today. :)

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