STOP Constantly Google Searching for Your Website and do Your SEO!

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Last time I read up on the idea of anyone constantly Google searching their websites, I learned that Google kept demoting the site in the search results due to no one clicking and viewing the websites that appeared in the search results.

Apparently, this is all now automated ... correct me if I’m wrong ... but if I were to constantly Google search my website’s rank using Chrome, Firefox or any other browser, without actually clicking on the link to MY site, I’m telling the spider that I did not get what I was looking for. Making it one more reason to lower my site’s ranking for the keyword(s) I used in my search.

Stepping down off my soapbox now and ... back to my course studies ;-)So many here at WA blogging about having Google searched their site that I just HAD to add my 2¢ worth.

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Great points Trish. thank you.

Thank you for say so Michael!

Great post Trish.... Thanks

Thank YOU Linda!

The 2 cents were appreciated. Great point!

Thank YOU Tomeika!

It is a curiosity starting out, very good point Trish.

That is a great point Trish. We would all be better served using our time to create new killer content.

Amen ta' that Tim!
I just couldn't sit through one more blog post asking about their Google ranking. LOL, just had to get my 2¢ worth in there some how. ;-))

Good Job!

Websites change position all the time. Its the keywords that enable searching. The position on google is somewhat irrelevant.

Right ON!

When I ask someone how their website is doing they always say they are on page one. Of course they are on page one when they search for their URL, but who knows their URL and is going to search on that phrase. Only if the URL includes a good keyword.

But excessive searching only harms a website's rank Bill, and as one blogger mentioned, Google Chrome gives the user what they're looking for. You want your site to rank high, Google Chrome will comply so you'll looooove Google Chrome.

True ranking happens once you get results ... but that's my take on the subject.


Very good information that is WA is so good because the community is always there to giv exciting new and information that is great.

Thanks Mitch, I love to help others especially when so many are helping me here.


Oh goodness! That's an interesting thing to keep in mind. Thank you.

You're very welcome tyrellch.

Very good post, sell thought out, I never thought of it like that, I should get on with my course studies as well:-))Steph

No problemo' Steph, you're not the only one. I too need to focus more on my studies. ;-))


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