Facebook Shuttering Massive Pages for Violating Photo Copyrights
Just another warning about those darned images we long so much not to pay for!
Just ignore "The page your requested was not found" and realize that Facebook has no mercy when it comes to photos.
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I have a question: If I want to share a photo on my site and under that photo write...used from http://.... with the link to that page photo album...am I braking copyright law? I have few photos from Facebook page and link to that page under photo.
Yes. You must negotiate with the owner of the photo, not just acknowledge where you got it from. Pretend somebody came to your home page and took one of your personal photos and used it for advertising - would a normal person be happy for just a linkback?
I know there are settings to prevent this from happening on FB but it was just an example. Worse would be if they came into your home, took a picture and said taken from 111 E Cambridge Street as a link.
Most pictures are circulated and there is no way of even knowing who the original owner is or was, but there is always a risk - there is also a tool that can scan the internet for pictures and catch you if you happen to get the pic that someone wants to go after money for!
Thanks on your answer, it really helps. As to me, I would like people to share my photos and have a link to my site. I totally wouldn't mind that.
I live here(Dubrovnik-for my site) so it will not be a problem to make photos, maybe not professional like someone with great camera,but I can go through gimp or irfanview and make it better.
Hey Terea. It's why I'm forever boring Members rigid with my "free images are often not risk free" comments. It's finally up to Members if they want to run that risk, but at least if I comment they get to make an informed decision. I can only imagine after reading that article how devastating it must be to lose five years worth of work. FB, Google et al are not willing as the "publisher" to be held liable for the costs of copyright infringement which is why they allow the relatively easy filing of DMCAs http://d.pr/2V4Z against misuse and permit companies such as Getty and Disney to file auto-actioned ones. I myself subscribe to a service that tracks my images and files multiple DMCAs against sites where they find unauthorised use of my pictures including to the website's hosting co. If a site "tanks" because of this and even if they subsequently remove the images, it can take them months if not years before their sites begin to recover their positions in search engine rankings. Rich.
I have a hard time imagining 5 years worth of work down the drain over a picture. Slowly you have managed to get me trained against most "free" images. I understand more and more why you are so consistently pounding us with information against pictures that can backfire. Instead of free they become a big cost in liability or loss of work. Thanks for trying to educate us! I find you so helpful and laid back about most things, this is not one of them!
LOL, I think some Members believe I'm on a retainer from paid stock libraries to promote them. I'm not, just that in the past I've helped two Members that received hideous bills for copyright violations and have seen another couple of sites disappear from search listings after DMCAs were filed against them. It never happens at the point where a Member has only just built the site but of course, after they're enjoying some success. I think it's easy for Members to forget they're not sharing pics. in a personal capacity, one friend to another, but that copyright owners view any such use of their images in a business context and that sites derive "commercial advantage" from using them. It's infuriating that all the supposed free image sites bury the fact that they take no responsibility in the small print. However, as Steve (@IveTriedThat) is always saying to me, "if you're not paying, remember you're the product". :) Rich.
Interesting, Tria - the instant that I clicked on to your link, I got "The Blue Screen of Death" on my computer. ??? Why is this so? All fixed now and I'm doing a full scan. I know you're not trying to do anything untoward - just being helpful - thanks!
While not having a FB a/c, I applaud, loudly, what they are doing. Now, if only that other site that encourages people to pin things on their boards would do the same!
:) george
I clicked on it several times and had no trouble - sorry you did. I sure hope no one else does.
This is tricky stuff. Even if you actually pay for a pic, do you need to have proof that you paid? And keep that proof forever????
If that's the case and you've paid for it, it doesn't take much extra to ACKNOWLEDGE the source of your picture when you use it. I don't think this applies to images from sites such as Clipart. and other genuine free image sites. Check first! :) george
Hey Gordi. If you purchase the image from a stock library, most embed a unique tracking code at the point of download that identifies you as having purchased a licence to use that image. I've only been challenged once over a photo, and I simply responded with my account user name which allowed them to check that I had legitimately licensed the rights to use that specific image. In regard to third party claims, the majority of paid-for stock libraries will manage and defend any claims on behalf of their customers if requested to do so, i.e http://www.istockphoto.com/help/licenses :) Rich.
This may help: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/labman/blog/free-images
I guess we--we must check to see does or doesn't have copyrights
Also, use this: http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb but search using the Home tab NOT the Images tab. You might also want to check if the BigStock 30 free images is still open, https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/rich/blog/ok-this-is-disgusting-just-ugh just don't forget to cancel https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/rich/blog/ok-be-a-sheeplewussy-but-don-t-join-the-circus
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Ah! So annoying, I noticed a couple of fashion publication pages have still allowed the 'embed' function on their photos. I have asked them! haha