Why I Use A Height-Adjustable Standing Desk
As you probably know, most of our body’s functionality are negatively impacted when we spend prolonged hours sitting in one place. Research indicates that excessive sitting incurs many physical problems and even increases your risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer. I am a very active and health-conscious person and make a point to do some sort of rigorous physical activity everyday. I once assumed that if I exercised an hour or two each day I would counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting. Boy, was I dead wrong. Research now shows that even if you eat right and are very fit and active, sitting still has the exact same effect.
Stand up for your health
So after years of sitting for 6-8 hours per day, I finally decided to get a height adjustable standing desk from Veridesk. This brilliant device is placed directly on your desk and has a spring-assisted lift mechanism that allows you to raise and lower it almost effortlessly in just seconds. After using it for 6 months, I am aware of the noticeable changes to my overall well-being. Minor chronic soreness I had been experiencing in my lower back and shoulders is gone, I have much more energy (almost every one of us has experienced the exhaustion of sitting for long hours), and I feel more focused. I've also learned that our body requires complete balance between sitting, standing and stretching during work hours. This is why I chose a height adjustable desk so that I can alternate between sitting and standing. I love the freedom!
Balance is key
So if you'd like to avoid the adverse effects of prolonged sitting and also save some $$$ I highly recommend converting your regular desk into a standing/sitting desk using a good height-adjustable standing desk that can be placed on your existing desk. This option will not only save your pocket but also give you the flexibility to sit or stand! After all, there are negative effects of prolonged standing as well: http://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2014/12/09
Ultimately the key is finding proper balance between both options and incorporating some stretching as well.
Stay healthy,
Recent Comments
I think you have a niche. Everybody is getting to be health conscious--whether young or old. Way to go.
Thanks Coney! Yes, it's a trend + my passion which is why I'm going with it. All the best, Trevor
Hi Trevor
congrats on making that decision! I am aware of the benefits health and attention wise of having a stand up desks. I used to be a school psychologist and one schools had them for kids who needed to spend some energy throughout the day. Standing up helped them stay focused. They also had a stationary bike they could use.
Thanks Trevor - Could be just what I need - Thanks for the blog - Will checkout your others now. - Best wishes - Andre
I have one at my office. It is not adjustable, but I do have a tall chair than I can use if I want to sit. I have noticed major changes in my posture and neck pain since switching.
I have seen recently where there are school that have adopted standing desks for students. It really helps the kids who are more "fidgety".
Nice. The tall chair option is definitely a must if you have a non-adjustable standing desk. Glad it's helping!
That's excellent to hear. All schools really should consider it
Thanks for blog. I looked few times for this type of tables. Sometimes I did not like design. Sometimes were to expensive or heavy. I found at Costco for $40. Wide, light bar table. Serves for all kind of purposes.
All the best:)
Totally heard about that desk, and would be happy to get one. I heard Tai Lopez talk about them. It am totally for the science behind it, makes total sense.
I have heard of these, but never know the prices and well their purpose to be honest. Thanks for this post.
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I have taken to standing on my job. I feel heaps better and work faster too!
I'm a dentist and my assistant hates me for it. She has Crohn's disease and says she "gets dizzy if she stands for long", but I don't believe her, so still stand. Not going to have how I work and my health compromised by my assistant.
She still hasn't fainted and it's been a month now...