How To Wrap Text Around Pictures

Let's say you have a block of text and you want to place a picture but you don't want that picture between two lines. You want that text to wrap around the picture so if feels natural and in the flow of the page.

This is easier to achieve than you may think! Let;s choose a picture by clicking the Camera/Music symbol at the top where it says, "Upload/Insert."

You can either drag and drop your image or select a file. Once you get your image, there are some options you can customize.

First thing you need to do is fill in the title. This is what people will see when they mouse over the image. Right under that is a place called, "Alternate Text." Use this space for a keyword that is relevant to the post or even the post title if that is your keyword. Google's crawler can't see the image but it sees the text you place in these areas.

Next, you will see the Link URL. You have a couple of options here. I recommend leaving this blank unless you plan to make the picture an affiliate link. Leaving the File URL in this area will make the picture link to a picture of itself.

If you want the image to become an affiliate link, simply remove the File URL and replace it with your affiliate link.

Now directly under the Link URL, you will see Alignment. If you would like the picture to be on the left side, click "left." If you want the picture on the right, click "right." This will wrap the text around the image.

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Praise Premium
Thanks for the tip of when to enable and disable the "WordPress Ping Optimizer".
Ty Johnson Premium
Thanks everyone I am really glad you like it. I was hoping to have a place to link to when new members ask these questions, because it takes awhile to try to explain these things in text.
Thank you for the updated PING list.
welshy Premium
very nice, answers questions most wordpress newbies ask. Good stuff TY
Stacydee Premium
Great tutorial!! I wish I had this 2 years ago when I started. It's even clarified some of the steps/setup for me now.