Choosing A Theme For Your Site

There are tons of themes both free and paid to choose from. In my opinion it's best to keep your cost to a minimum in the beginning of your Internet Marketing career. I have found a great free theme called Flexibility 3 that I use on all of my websites and it works very well.

Click Download Theme and save the file somewhere where you can find it easily.

Next you will need to upload this theme to your WordPress site and activate it. This can be done by clicking on Appearance>Themes in the WordPress dashboard. Click on the Install Themes tab at the top of the page. Now, find the "Upload" button also at the top of the page underneath the install themes tab.

Now click on the Choose File button and navigate to the file you downloaded. It will be a zip file named Flexibility 3. Click on the Install Now button. On the next screen you will have three options Live Preview | Activate | Return to Themes page. Click Activate and the theme will go live.

If you are using the Flexibility 3 theme it's default setting has a big advertisement area just below the header and one in the footer. To remove these go to appearance>Flexibility3 theme options and click on "Top Feature" The first option you will see is Display optional feature section below header?: Select NO and then save changes.

Now do the same thing in the "Footer" section and refresh the page to confirm the changes have taken place on the live site.

There are a ton of options to choose from and you will need to spend some time playing with them and learning them to customize your site the way you want it.

Other Theme Options

There are thousands of free themes for WordPress floating around out there and I have tried my fair share of them. This is the only one I have been happy with so far. It has an amazing amount of flexibility as the name suggest. I emailed the owner of the theme with a question and he was very quick to respond and was even willing to go into my site and have a look at the problem.

As it turned out the theme just needed updated but the notification had not popped up for me at that time. I had the issue resolved by the time his offer arrived to help me but I was very impressed with his willingness to help me and the speed with which he responded.

That's not to say this is the only good free theme available, it's just the one I use so there is nothing wrong with exploring your options.

For more detailed instructions on the Flexibility 3 theme check out this training tutorial.

Next Page: WordPress Settings and Plugins

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Keldyn Premium
I am really stuck with my site

As you can see I created a menu and pages. However to add more content I tried creating a post and that did not work. Does everything now have to be in a sub menu?
Praise Premium
Thanks for the tip of when to enable and disable the "WordPress Ping Optimizer".
Ty Johnson Premium
Thanks everyone I am really glad you like it. I was hoping to have a place to link to when new members ask these questions, because it takes awhile to try to explain these things in text.
Thank you for the updated PING list.
welshy Premium
very nice, answers questions most wordpress newbies ask. Good stuff TY
Stacydee Premium
Great tutorial!! I wish I had this 2 years ago when I started. It's even clarified some of the steps/setup for me now.