When all of your first boards have at least 6+ pins on them and the board previews are filed out, you are ready to start following other Pinterest profiles.

Follow who?

Other Pinterest accounts that are in your niche.

How do you find them?

Use the Search box on Pinterest and put in the keywords of your choice.

For example, if you search on "meal prep", you find results for both Boards and People with the words "meal prep" in the name. Also, you can search with #HASHTAGS.

Remember, Pinterest is a huge search engine. Searching on Pinterest is not unlike searching on Google.

Still not sure who you're looking to follow on Pinterest?

Example - Say for example that I had a "Mom Blog". Clearly, I would want to connect
with other moms, right? So I would search for things that moms would be interested in. Toys, kids clothes, meal prep, time-saving tips, healthy cooking tips, work from home ideas, or anything else that moms with kids might be interested in. etc.
I would find profiles that have stuff like this pinned and I would follow them and
begin to share their content.

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Jenny28 Premium
Thank you for this great training. I am just starting out on Pinterest, and I learned a lot from your tutorial.
Marley2016 Premium
This is great I am new to Pinterest and your training really
helped me - Darren is one person I follow and he
recommended I read your training so glad he did!!
Now I can do more to make sure my Pinterest account
grows the right way.
Thanks so much,
=Gave you a follow really needed this!
dalwhu Premium
Great training Mary-Elle

This will be very useful for people setting up a new account, I’ll refer it to people starting out on Pinterest
Mary-Elle Premium Plus
Thanks, glad I can be of help!
ExpatMark Premium
Thank you so much for this tutorial. It is right on time for me.

Mary-Elle Premium Plus
You're welcome Mark and Happy Holidays to you as well !
MKearns Premium
A very useful training Mary Elle. Starred for use!
Mary-Elle Premium Plus