What's The Purpose Of Street Articles?
In the past SA was a lot more useful, but it does still have some use now. In previous years, a lot of weight was given to article sites in search engines, so you could write something to SA and it would rank on page 1 of Google almost overnight (It is still possible but less often). This was great for giving your site some extra viewers from the SA links, and also giving your site more "credentials" from backlinks.
Here's what SA is still useful for:
- Writing practice. If you keep getting rejected by SA (be careful..too many rejections gets you banned), then it's a sign you need to improve. You can improve very rapidly by writing at SA and then applying your new skills to your site.
- Testing how interested people are. If nobody is clicking from your Street Article to your site, something needs improving.
- Helping a new site get indexed. Google still checks SA more than it does new sites, so throwing up articles and linking them to a new site is great. I usually write 1 Street Article for every 2 posts on a new site, but your mileage may vary.
- Providing traffic. If people like your article, they might click your link to go to your site to learn more.
- Improving authorship. When you are brand new and have no "Google authorship", writing at Street Articles and linking the articles to your G+ profile can give you a good head start. Here is a training on Google authorship from Kyle.
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Thank you so much, DomW. I could be asking any one of those questions from time to time as I move through learning and learning and learning. Unfortunately remembering is not the natural result of learning so much. Quick references like this should be over there on the left. I mean, why not. I know I'm not the only one who wants a quick FAQ at my fingertips.
I think you´ve done a great job! Thanks you for your time and effort! I am sure all the Newbie´s that enter WA will appreciate it!
Yup. I see these questions asked ALL THE TIME. This is a great resource to keep on file and pass on to newbies