This FAQ is far from complete.
New questions are always coming up, and I have probably missed a few as well. Please feel free to offer some suggestions below and I will update them as I can.
Any new questions will get added to the index page at the front, as well as being slotted into the most relevant part of this training too.
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Thank you so much, DomW. I could be asking any one of those questions from time to time as I move through learning and learning and learning. Unfortunately remembering is not the natural result of learning so much. Quick references like this should be over there on the left. I mean, why not. I know I'm not the only one who wants a quick FAQ at my fingertips.
I think you´ve done a great job! Thanks you for your time and effort! I am sure all the Newbie´s that enter WA will appreciate it!
Yup. I see these questions asked ALL THE TIME. This is a great resource to keep on file and pass on to newbies