
Generally there are some basic do's and don'ts that will keep you out of hot water when using Reddit. I have seen some really maliciuous people on the site, and after watching to see how things go, have come up with some very easy to follow rules...


A plan for your Reddit participation is essential. If you just start making comments or adding posts without thinking about why, how you should phrase your content, or what the end game is, you are setting yourself up for failure...

The starting point would have to be who is the target audience for what I am trying to accomplish? What are their main interests and what other related interests might they have? Go from the broad and 'core' subreddit subjects to the more narrow subreddits branching off of the main subreddits...

Check to see what kind of posts are being made, who are the members, what are the rules for using the subreddit, and how large is the membership...These are good starting points and as you drill down, you will see where to post, what to post, and how to post.

I have been going through this process for a couple of weeks now and as I drill down I am getting a clearer picture of how I can use the platform to further the brand and also the sales for the niche I am in...


Look at the nature of members...Look at the community itself to discern the norms and values you see in the posters and their content. Make sure that you can fit into the mold that you find, while adding something new to the conversation...


There are a LOT of cynical and mean people on Reddit. They are smart and do not want to be bombarded with easy to see-through spam that they are avoiding using Reddit. Do not waste their time, or they will let you know, through down-voting your content and also adding harsh comments...

I have seen some members go out of their way to disprove what you have stated in your content, and will go to great length by adding in study after study that supports their opinion...

There is even one entire subreddit that is dedicated to calling out other Reddit members and mocking them (there are more)...These guys work hard to shoot holes in your content, and get some mad joy out of doing so...

So, going in you know to take your time, pick your battle (ok Sub Reddit) and then research, research, research...Know the rules and follow them...Do not just start making a lot of silly and meaningless comments, you will get killed (figuratively)...

The next thing we will cover are some strategies you can use once you have determined what subreddits to join... ===>

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JMupanguri Premium
Thanks for sharing the information
DaveSw Premium
No problem at all....I hope that you will have a look at the platform...Lots of great information to be found, and plenty of conversation! Cheers! Dave : )
JLister Premium
Good stuff. I occasionally post on Reddit. I try not to post on there all the time as I don't want to spam the boards. Plus, it is also good to interact with other posts the board before posting.
DaveSw Premium
Yes, lots of interesting subreddits to look at...I too am more of a lurker up to this point...I wanted to really understand how it all works before just jumping in...Those that use it for spamming do not last long hehe...Definitely, the platform requires a strategy when proceeding...I agree with you, it is better to start interaction with a subreddit group prior to posting your own stuff...Thanks for adding to the conversation....Cheers! Dave : )
AlexEvans Premium Plus
Hi Dave really good to see a tutorial with some real actionable information in it, really appreciate your take on things, Not currently using Reddit but feel that I am well placed to make some positive gains after viewing and implementing some of the tips and advice in this training thank you.One of the things that were putting me off to a degree was the need to be aware of offending other members. Like all things, it is all about being aware and adapting accordingly.Thank you much, appreciated.
DaveSw Premium
Thanks, Alexander...This platform is one of the most interesting to me so far, in that there is a lot of very informed people (and some not so much hehe) that like to add their thoughts into a conversation...These people that take the time to do so are also more likely to take action with your offers if you can entice them over to your website! Cheers! Dave : )
AlexEvans Premium Plus
I am liking the sound of that one Dave, nothing like a bit of a challenge to excite the imagination thanks.
DaveSw Premium
Hehe...You betcha! I have yet to do much there, I have been lurking for awhile (think I have made a few comments on posts so far, that's it)....I have spent a lot of time researching and I am about ready to start trying some of the strategies I see folks using...:Lovin' it...: )
amgolf Premium
Your article blows my mind about online marketing with Rabbit.
DaveSw Premium
Glad it may be of use to you...The thing I like is there is a huge audience and they can be very targeted users that you interact with...As you build your reputation and 'karma' your voice will command attention, and these folks that listen are already primed to take action...Cheers! Dave : )
sinwm Premium
Thanks Dave for sharing the introduction of Reddit.Will give a try.
DaveSw Premium
Great! Just make sure you lurk first so you know how to proceed without destroying your 'karma' hehe...Enjoy! Dave : )