1. Create remarkable, compelling and informative content frequently
Do you know that readers only care and look for informative and engaging content that can satisfy their appetites? And did you realize that they wouldn't ever follow and return to your blog once they saw you as an amateur blogger?
Mind quality only when you're creating your content, not quantity. This is one of the horrific blogging mistakes most veteran struggling bloggers made that frustrated their efforts and made them quit eventually. Are you sure you're not in their shoes now? Haven't you been hassling to write loads of content that no one would ever care to read?
Work the right techniques with the right energy and expect to start seeing pro blogging results soonest.
2. Engage your audience in comments and respond to comments on time
Do you know the secret of skyrocketing a blog to the first page in Google? Would you handle visitor/audience engagement with a high degree of commitment now? Would you care to start focusing on quality and engaging content only from now on?
Engaging your visitors in comments will take you there soonest, be rest assured. It's a powerfully-working and proven blogging strategy. Do you receive comments on your blog daily? And do you try to engage your audience properly by responding to their comments on time? These are noteworthy points to get a first Page Rank in Google soonest. The more of these you receive daily, the better and higher your page rankings in search engines!
3.Be persistent in making little but consistent efforts on a daily basis
What do you understand by the term "Persistence"? For your information and personal consumption as a blogger who intends to become a rock star soonest, persistence simply means the process of continuing in a course of action despite opposition, criticism, difficulty, and challenges.
In other words, persistence means perseverance, resolution, commitment, tenacity, dedication, stamina, assiduity, steadfastness, endurance, patience, diligence, staying power, firmness of purpose, and many others.
4. Activate social share buttons on your blog and ask visitors (Even in an authoritative manner) to share posts using the installed buttons.
Do you have social media buttons installed and activated on your site? Do you share every post you create on your personal blog across social channels through the share buttons? Yes, you're doing a great job already but one thing is left.
Check in social media platforms in which your posts were shared and make sure to engage those who have left one comment or the other. Do this actively and persistently and become a rocking blogger.
Furthermore, ask your readers authoritatively to share your content using those buttons installed and activated on your blog. Never appeal to them to do this, but issue a command. Once they've read and enjoyed your post to the uttermost, they will naturally share your content even without asking them to do so.