1000 Visitors in 60 Minutes
WHAT? 1,000 visitors in 60 minutes? Hey Peej, you're pulling my leg, right?
I understand your skepticism. I used to think that was impossible also. But, it IS do-able. It does take preparation - sort of like a product pre-launch. But, quite less intensive.
The founder of a recently developed Helpdesk Software wrote a blog post using a "Storytelling" scenario that simply took off like a tornado. He was quoted as saying.....
"Within an hour of the post being published, we had 1,000 new unique visitors. That soon turned into 5,000, and then 10,000, and before long, 20,000."
Storytelling is a powerful motivator. It evokes emotion and people can easily connect and relate. Incorporate storytelling with your data driven research post and you'll have a winner.
Tips for Researching and Writing Data-Driven Blog Posts:
- Find some stellar content within your niche that ranks well. Redefine it and improve it!
- Find the facts about a sub-topic in your niche, create actionable step-by-step elements to help your readers solve a problem.
- Show data as to WHY this is hugely important to your readers
- Add your personal perspectives on each section of your research
- Provide takeaways and lead your reader to a Call-to-Action
And, BOOM! You're new data-driven, researched blog post will take off. Do this a few times and you're bound to be seen as the GO-TO authority in your niche.
Hey, I didn't say it would be easy! But, it flat out works!
1. choose a niche
2. build a website
3. promote a product or service
4. make money
That's it! and 100% of the people who work hard make a living online.
Implying that those who don't make it, aren't working hard enough. That's easy or maybe they all aren't smart enough to grasp all the training all the time.
Clearly you state it takes more than that.
Frankly I'm overwhelmed with all there is do to be successful when at every turn there is this and that to do
I highly doubt for most of the hundreds of ordinary folks who join WA that this training is duplicatable.
It is a very select niche that can benefit from this, mostly the tech saavy is my guess
I think I'm in the wrong place and was just meant to be a 9-5 slave
It is posts/training like this that makes me stop and think, why am I here?
This is so much work and it depresses the hell out of me, not encourages me.
I've spent over a $1000 on website building and I highly doubt I'll see any of it back just blogging away with a monetized site.