Introduction - Self Discovery
A wee bit of background that's not in my WA bio.
I once traveled to Indonesia, Thailand and a few other Asian countries for my government. During our down time, I spent a considerable amount of time in a few monasteries with Buddhist monks. They are incredible people and I learned a lot about karma and circles of life.
As a result, I did a LOT of self discovery and I tried to help others and do good every day. Additionally, when I meet someone or get to know them, I ask myself "What is it that I like so much about this person?" Then, I re-evaluate my personal traits and see how I can improve that quality within myself.
"Well, okay, Peej, that's kinda deep and I haven't had coffee yet. What the heck does that have to do with affiliate marketing?"
Well, it's like this.....
I don't know about you, but I work very hard on my blog posts - Quality over Quantity. I have studied and researched the big dogs in the affiliate marketing arenas. There are things that many do that I'm not quite fond of OR it's just not me. But, I will still study them and attempt to discover the outstanding qualities that I DO like and what makes their posts gain huge amount of traction in the marketplace.
Thereby, I have an ongoing list of items that I thought I would share to give you some insight on what the major influencers are producing that could very well rocket your WordPress blog into the stratosphere and make you a huge success in your chosen niche. These are the types of blog posts that can take a website from mediocre to authority.
So, let's dig into the meat of some engaging unique stellar posts that drive hordes of web traffic.....
1. choose a niche
2. build a website
3. promote a product or service
4. make money
That's it! and 100% of the people who work hard make a living online.
Implying that those who don't make it, aren't working hard enough. That's easy or maybe they all aren't smart enough to grasp all the training all the time.
Clearly you state it takes more than that.
Frankly I'm overwhelmed with all there is do to be successful when at every turn there is this and that to do
I highly doubt for most of the hundreds of ordinary folks who join WA that this training is duplicatable.
It is a very select niche that can benefit from this, mostly the tech saavy is my guess
I think I'm in the wrong place and was just meant to be a 9-5 slave
It is posts/training like this that makes me stop and think, why am I here?
This is so much work and it depresses the hell out of me, not encourages me.
I've spent over a $1000 on website building and I highly doubt I'll see any of it back just blogging away with a monetized site.