If you have links that lead readers from your page, make sure you are recommending a site that has more useful information. You don't want people to leave your page but you do want to be informative and helpful. If you are, your readers will come back.

Solution: Perhaps you can link to a non-commercial site, like a government site, that give relevant information.

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AnnieB Premium
Thanks for the words of wisdom, John.
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome, Annie. I hope they were helpful to you. John
MargaretY Premium
Thanks a lot, John, for this direct and succinct tutorial.
TJ Books Premium
Margaret, you are very welcome. I'm getting too old and senile for writing tutorials but I finally got the last two in proper order. Thank you for reading my musings and you are welcome. John
Bill Carver Premium
While you're at it (your post below), you might want to arrange the wording in the title. "Site Not Producing Income Problems" is a good thing. You DON'T want a site to produce income problems. perhaps "Possible Problems for a Site not Producing Income" or " Problems for a Site Not Producing Income". Or ???

Just a thought . . .
TJ Books Premium
LOL! One of those Whoop things. It's not easy to change a tutorial title. I did finally get the page ordering screw up fixed. Thanks, Bill!
nancykaye Premium
I liked this. Can you refer me to how you use blogging to generate income
TJ Books Premium
I'll PM you on this in case I get too windy. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages in this tutorial are in reverse order. Problem I have not solved today. John
TJ Books Premium
Got the page order fixed. J