How do you promote your site? Here is what I do:

Blogging: Blogging is very effective in generating traffic. Each blog should be well thought out and focused on your site objectives. You should blog often.

Article Writing: Article writing can be effective in getting the article indexed by the search engines and pointing to your website.

Social Marketing: Everyone should use some social marketing. I use the sociable plugin with Wordpress which puts the social site icons below pages and posts so that you market with a click.

Email Marketing: I use Aweber but it is only one way to market by email. I don't like the method. I would rather just blog. But it can be very effective.

PPC: I don't use this method anymore. If you do, make sure you are well trained before hand. Kyle has an excellent tutorial.

Print Advertising: I use print advertising, not as much now as I use to, but it can be effective in reaching special markets.

Solution: Use as many methods of advertising as you can afford. Placing ads in ezines can be very effective. I haven't done that recently but you might consider it.

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AnnieB Premium
Thanks for the words of wisdom, John.
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome, Annie. I hope they were helpful to you. John
MargaretY Premium
Thanks a lot, John, for this direct and succinct tutorial.
TJ Books Premium
Margaret, you are very welcome. I'm getting too old and senile for writing tutorials but I finally got the last two in proper order. Thank you for reading my musings and you are welcome. John
Bill Carver Premium
While you're at it (your post below), you might want to arrange the wording in the title. "Site Not Producing Income Problems" is a good thing. You DON'T want a site to produce income problems. perhaps "Possible Problems for a Site not Producing Income" or " Problems for a Site Not Producing Income". Or ???

Just a thought . . .
TJ Books Premium
LOL! One of those Whoop things. It's not easy to change a tutorial title. I did finally get the page ordering screw up fixed. Thanks, Bill!
nancykaye Premium
I liked this. Can you refer me to how you use blogging to generate income
TJ Books Premium
I'll PM you on this in case I get too windy. John
TJ Books Premium
The pages in this tutorial are in reverse order. Problem I have not solved today. John
TJ Books Premium
Got the page order fixed. J