Group boards are an extremely important part of finding success on Pinterest. A group board is similar to the boards your personal board only there are many contributors to the board. This is great for those that are trying to get more of their pins circulating because there can be many people pinning to and from one board. If you contribute to that board, chances are much more likely that someone will share your pin from there and you will end up reaching a much wider audience.

Finding group boards to contribute to when you are first starting out can be a bit tricky. Many people recommend joining Facebook groups which can be helpful as they provide a centralized location for people to post about opening group boards. I have found some small success with this and would highly recommend joining the following groups on FaceBook:

It seems like everyone you ask has a different process for group boards. Below I have outlined the steps that I take in finding a good board and this technique has worked well for me so far. (It is a little bit of a process but can lead to finding some awesome boards!)

1.) Go to your SmartFeed page in Pinterest
2.) Search for something related to your niche
3.) Click a pin that looks professional and relates nicely to your niche.
4.) Click the pin a second time to send you to the site.
5.) Check to make sure the site fits nicely with your niche and looks to be well maintained and done nicely. (You don't want a site that looks like something from 10 years ago!)
6.) Somewhere on the page (usually at the top or around the contact information) you will see a Pinterest icon to lnk back to the author's Pinterest page--- click it!
7.) Once on their pinterest page, scroll down so that you can see their boards. Any board with a little circle in the lower left corner is a group board. Find a board that looks like something you might be interested in contributing to and click on it.

8.) Under the "follow" button you will see a serious of circles with people's profile pictures in them. The circle farthest to the right will have a number in it. That is the number of people currently contributing to that board--- click it. (ideally you want to find boards that have thousands of followers and under 150 contributors to make sure your stuff is seen by as many people as possible)

9.) After clicking, a list of all the contributors will appear. Click on person at the top of that list--- they are the owner. Follow them (you will need to be following them in order to join their board)
10.) Send them a super nice email asking if they are accepting collaborators to the board. Sometimes to find their email you will need to go to their website which can usually be found within their about me description.
11.) AGAIN, be SUPER nice in the email. If you are trying to join a board with a more "high profile" owner they will VERY likely be getting a lot of requests, be nice and personable to make yours stand out. The email I typically use looks something like this feel free to take it and modify:

Hi there!
I am following you on Pinterest and was wondering if you are still accepting contributors to your board: (insert name of board here) If you are I would love to contribute! My pinterest is: If you would like to take a look at some of the things my site has to offer, feel free to visit it at: Thanks so much for your consideration! I look forward to hearing from you! Have a great day!

12.) Do this MANY times. You will often get rejected or not hear back from these emails. That's ok, keep trying. Try out boards of all sizes and see what drives traffic for you. I try to send two of these emails a day and the offers came in relatively quickly.

Side notes:
-Recommend pinning between 30-50 pins per day.
-Pin your own content and others
-Pin to personal and group boards

*** Can't say enough, this is a commitment of time and effort but it will be so worth it in the end!
Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Join the Facebook groups listed
2. Join at least 2 group boards per day

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Hari S Nair Premium
This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much for sharing this. I have a doubt though, are we supposed to pin other people's pins to our boards? Do you keep your featured board reserved for your own content. I am a bit confused about how to keep my boards active, also can I use long tail keywords for board names?
Windflower Premium
I didn't even know that there was such a thing as group boards until I found your training. Thank you!
musicmumma Premium
You are very welcome!
cheffinchic Premium
I've been a little lost in the Pinterest matrix but Herinnelson forwarded me your training! Thank you so much:) Your training is super informative and broken down nicely. I can't wait to get started!
musicmumma Premium
Awesome! Please feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions!
SusieHoliday Premium
Great training, thank you! I have a recommend 10 min in morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and 20 minutes in the evening. At the end of the training you recommend pinning 30-50 pins/day. I don't know if you are super fast but finding/creating 30-50 pins per day would take me a lot longer than a total of 40 minutes/day. Could you please clarify your daily pinterest routine?
Kyle Premium Plus
I think it comes down to efficiency. If you have a daily "theme" then you can work more efficiently, search, find and add stuff. You just don't want to go down a rabbit hole and end up wasting too much time on pinterest.
SleatMann1 Premium
How do you pin content to a board or create a content pin?