Oh man! This is my favorite part of Pinterest! Time to pin! Let me first start by saying Pinterest is a marathon, not a sprint and it will take time and effort to build your following and become established but it is sooooo worth it!
Pinterest wants you to be active on their platform and I believe this is one reason that pinning manually can be extremely beneficial.
Taking the time to pin manually also allows you to understand the platform on a deeper level which I think leads to greater success in the long run. An added bonus for being active on the platform is that the more you pin and see other ideas, you will find a lot of inspiration for your own content. I know I certainly have.
So... to get started, click on the Pinterest icon in the upper left hand corner of your screen. This icon brings you to the smart feed.
Basically your smart feed is a collection of images that Pinterest thinks you might like. The more of these images that you pin the better the platform will "understand" what you like. This leads to more quality content for you. In order to "pin" an image, you simply need to hover over it and a "save" button will appear in the upper right hand corner. When you click that button a list of all your boards will appear and then you can assign the pin to the appropriate board.
It is also beneficial to pin on Pinterest for short periods of time spread out over the course of the day. Many people create a schedule for this. Over time you will find a schedule that works best for you and your niche. A good schedule to start with is 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and then about 20 minutes in the evening. For me, pins always seem to do best between 8-10pm so this is the period in which it has been most beneficial for me to be active.
Keep this schedule up for a few days so that you can fill your boards with quality content. The content of your boards is one of the things that will draw attention to you on the platform and then ultimately bring you traffic.