In order to get started with Pinterest you need to have a place to pin images to. I recommend setting up between 5-10 boards to start. As you become more active on the platform you will most likely continue to add more boards to your profile.

Create the boards by clicking on boards on your main profile page and then click "create a board...

The very first board you create should be a "Featured Content" board. This will be a place for you to pin only the content you create at your site. This will give your followers a quick, easy place to learn about what you and your site are all about.

Aside from your "Featured Content" board, create a variety of different kinds of boards- some that are specific to your niche and others that are about things that interest you. In your board descriptions use LOTS OF KEYWORDS but always remember to make it sound authentic just like you would in your website content.

If you need ideas for kinds of boards to create, when I first started I mirrored my boards after the different categories on my site and it worked very well for me!

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Create a "featured content" board
2. Create 5-10 other boards for your account

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Hari S Nair Premium
This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much for sharing this. I have a doubt though, are we supposed to pin other people's pins to our boards? Do you keep your featured board reserved for your own content. I am a bit confused about how to keep my boards active, also can I use long tail keywords for board names?
Windflower Premium
I didn't even know that there was such a thing as group boards until I found your training. Thank you!
musicmumma Premium
You are very welcome!
cheffinchic Premium
I've been a little lost in the Pinterest matrix but Herinnelson forwarded me your training! Thank you so much:) Your training is super informative and broken down nicely. I can't wait to get started!
musicmumma Premium
Awesome! Please feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions!
SusieHoliday Premium
Great training, thank you! I have a recommend 10 min in morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and 20 minutes in the evening. At the end of the training you recommend pinning 30-50 pins/day. I don't know if you are super fast but finding/creating 30-50 pins per day would take me a lot longer than a total of 40 minutes/day. Could you please clarify your daily pinterest routine?
Kyle Premium Plus
I think it comes down to efficiency. If you have a daily "theme" then you can work more efficiently, search, find and add stuff. You just don't want to go down a rabbit hole and end up wasting too much time on pinterest.
SleatMann1 Premium
How do you pin content to a board or create a content pin?