You can pin any image from your site however, creating images specifically for pinning is a lot of fun and the more time you spend on Pinterest the better you will get at it. You will begin to get a sense for what others are looking for and how others design their pins which will in turn help you.

The two most popular resources for creating pins are Canva ( and PicMonkey. I personally use PicMonkey ( and I love it. They are both great programs and I guarantee once you get used to them you will end up using them for much more than creating pins! I just saved a ton of money by using them to create birthday party invites for my son!

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Hari S Nair Premium
This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much for sharing this. I have a doubt though, are we supposed to pin other people's pins to our boards? Do you keep your featured board reserved for your own content. I am a bit confused about how to keep my boards active, also can I use long tail keywords for board names?
Windflower Premium
I didn't even know that there was such a thing as group boards until I found your training. Thank you!
musicmumma Premium
You are very welcome!
cheffinchic Premium
I've been a little lost in the Pinterest matrix but Herinnelson forwarded me your training! Thank you so much:) Your training is super informative and broken down nicely. I can't wait to get started!
musicmumma Premium
Awesome! Please feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions!
SusieHoliday Premium
Great training, thank you! I have a recommend 10 min in morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and 20 minutes in the evening. At the end of the training you recommend pinning 30-50 pins/day. I don't know if you are super fast but finding/creating 30-50 pins per day would take me a lot longer than a total of 40 minutes/day. Could you please clarify your daily pinterest routine?
Kyle Premium Plus
I think it comes down to efficiency. If you have a daily "theme" then you can work more efficiently, search, find and add stuff. You just don't want to go down a rabbit hole and end up wasting too much time on pinterest.
SleatMann1 Premium
How do you pin content to a board or create a content pin?