Many bloggers fail to optimize their sidebars, but you can see how important they are. Sidebars have been used in print text to highlight article content for ever. The serve the same purpose for your website. Its structure can have a big impact on the way visitors use your site and the actions they take once they’re there. Sidebars introduce you to your readers, Guide them through your site, and grow your email list. By following these tips, you will create a effective sidebars that compliments your blog and your goals.

How do you use sidebars? Do your sidebars define your goals? Do they highlight the most important content in you site. What widgets do you include and which ones did you leave out? Do you think sidebars are irrelevant?

Let us know what you think.

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SadieChan Premium
Thanks Bill for the great training. Any suggestions as to how many affiliate links should I place either on the sidebars and main post. How many is too much? But it is so little compared to most E-commerce site? Regards Sadie.
DIAB Premium
Actually, in Kyles' training, he told us that Google penalizes the websites that have affiliated links all over. His example was to make a review for a product and then link from there to the affiliate page. Of course, you may choose to do it in other way.
SadieChan Premium
Yes. Probably the only way if you want to get ranking by Google. Sadie
bill808 Premium Plus
I think he also said to have a link page as I described. That way only one page gets penalized. Also, I've read that it is good practice to activate nofollow for all external links. Certainly, I would nofollow any page that had a lot of links. I'm a little uncertain about NoFollow so I didn't mention it. Can anyone fill me in re NoFollow?
bill808 Premium Plus
I activate NoFollow on my external links. Google doesn't tell us how many links is to many, but most folks seem to agree that one link is ok. I also read that side bar links should be limited to no more than 5. I think that is more a matter of focus than of SEO. Be careful about putting external links in content. You want people to read your article and not leave your website.
SadieChan Premium
Alternatively, we can have an addon domain or another site with review page with mostly affiliate link, where we can link to them from the so call parent site. It does not matter whether that page gets rank or not. And in most cases we can do the Paid Ads on that site as well. Regards Sadie
johnwnewman Premium
Great training! Thanks :-)
GolfSpecialt Premium
I'm just getting to the point in my training where this is very timely information. Thanks.
Chrissies Premium
That is really useful training Bill, many thanks.
Sidebars were an unchartered country for me!! :)
bill808 Premium Plus
for me too! I learned so much just doing the research and writing up my notes.
Chrissies Premium
Its such a great feeling every time we learn to do something new, isn't it ? :)
Mac01 Premium
Great training, Bill, it's definitely a good pertinent topic. Liked, liked, and saved to favourites!