
The fourth criterion stresses the importance of choosing objectives that matter. When everyone agrees an objective is relevant it will get enthusiastic support.

A relevant objective can answer yes to these questions:

  1. Does this seem worthwhile?
  2. Is this the right time?
  3. Does this match our other efforts/needs?
  4. Are you the right person?
  5. Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?

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MKearns Premium
You have done a great job here Bill. You have taken what is often used in one post and broken it into 9 digestible modules. MBO is supplemented by updated leadership and management ideas and by Steven Covey's 7 Habits. Great post.
bill808 Premium Plus
Yes, MBO never works without great leadership. It helps me organize my life and work with my teams.
johnwnewman Premium
Thanks! Great job :-)
bill808 Premium Plus
If any one has experience with MBO please share. Questions? just ask.
KatieMac Premium
I have not had experience with MBO however I do feel we do need to having planning and organization, you have broken it down into bite sizes to and we can always work on getting one aspect right then move along till we have a smooth process
rodeves Premium
Very good tutorial. Thanks for sharing!