If you have an Google account set up for the business then you are good to go, type in the phone number and see if there is any business information registerd before you get started.

If you don`t have a Google account set up for them you need to do so. If you don`t wan`t to sign up with a gmail account use this link https://accounts.google.com/NewAccount it will take you to this page.

If your local business does not have a keyword related email you can easily get one by signing up for a gmail account. Having a keyword related email can help your google place listing rank higher.

For example if the business is a chiropractor in Canton and that is the keyword you try to rank them for "chiropractor in Canton". If they don`t have an email address that is relavant to the keyword, you can get a gmail account set up for them, you then would want the keyword in the email address for example chiropractorincanton@gmail.com

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gino88 Premium
How many listing One can have in the same google plus account?
Gary Sanders Premium
Hi Gino.... what do you mean by listings? I'll try to help you.
bwh1 Premium
Folks, I just came over this tutorial and need to address that this is OUTDATED information as Google Local has merged into Google+ Local and is not the same.

The principals in general about setting up the profile still remains the same tough.

SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Thanks for the heads up, "bwh1" This is a GREAT reason why your off line client needs to hire a professional (you)....b/c the internet is ALWAYS changing and you must keep up with them or (they) get left behind.

smcgaha Premium
I do not understand this and where to put the URL's
JohnnyMark1 Premium Plus
Nice work Veronica. -John
veronica.l Premium
Thank you John
ronit-drora Premium
good tutorial and tricks but it should say some were ahead of time that payment involve even it is not high.compare to hunderds I paid on magazins ads
veronica.l Premium
thank you, I am not really sure what you mean by payment involve... please clarify and I will be happy to answer